Aquarium Life

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Written by
3 years ago

I don't know what I'm writing but I feel something inside of me, so raging, overflowing that it's beyond my ability to contain myself this time. My fingers kept on and on and on and on and on and on, pressing letter by letter as if non-stop, and for the umpteenth time I had entered and got myself too deep into a piece of writing that I clearly didn't know what the purpose of the story was. So suddenly I felt so lost. Lost direction

When I want to try again. Among those I know a lot, not a single one greets me even though we consciously pass each other, in the same group of tables as if they never knew me or they actually never knew me at all. Are they preparing a surprise party for me, my birthday party? But, isn't my birth date still far from now, it's only July, oh June, it's still so far away for my birth month? and for sure I never celebrate it, because of things that are not important to me. Or if it's about April fools. I guess that makes even more sense the more you think about it.

So why am I now being so completely unfamiliar with this environment? It is so foreign that it is not realized that there are still living beings who also want to live here. If only some of them I didn't know very well or others I might still be able to come up with other, more reasonable, and acceptable reasons. but this is very clear and too familiar and close to me all those faces and features. Or maybe the day before I went to bed I had made a terrible mistake that had angered everyone I knew. So this can happen. But I don't think so, why would I do that, it's impossible for me to be that stubborn.

Still trying to find and trying to convince me that all this will soon end with laughter like a comedy show on television. I was so hopeful. And immediately I greeted Salman who I considered closest to me, "Hey sir?" Salman didn't even look at him. I'm pretty sure he's not deaf let alone to be such an arrogant person. All of this is like a dream. Yes, this is a dream. Come on Wake up, wake up, I said.

And I'm still alone now to stand at a crossroads of town, people I know to a corner to his fingers. I was so aware that at this time my fingers were still busy typing, I tried to stop so I could get out of this story. Don't get me caught up in a story like this. Where am I really at? Give me back my world! I don't want to be a writer, let me know them all and they also know me like the old days. I feel so cruel to have allowed me to roam freely but the people I know are like an undead.

I felt how I too began to rot and change the taste. Like zombies wandering around without awareness that should be aware of the meaning of life and life. Seeing the behavior of other zombies and their behavior. Arrogance, arrogance, and speech without a doubt will say harm and be harmed. Shame has disappeared from the body and body of the people around me. Is only concerned with self-interest. Yes, humans are now like the so-called zombie era, an era where pride will be ashamed to be removed. Just quibble and keep quibble. No shame. Dressed but actually not clothed, naked unconsciously becomes a pride to show off.

Don't deny it, try to think and study it well and wisely, once again don't argue. If you refute the arrogance that has been said and has been made that how you are not aware and have done it. Like a collection of fish in an aquarium that can be seen by thousands of free eyes without any more privacy for the sake of the life it defends. And this is justified by the world, isn't it a farce that makes no sense to those who realize it.

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Written by
3 years ago


Aquarium is so beautiful, during my secondary school days as a student my favorite subject was fishery and Aqua culture, I took it so serious though when I applied for admission I later found out that my calling was mathematics lol 😂 funny enough mathematics was my worst subject but without choice I fell in love with it

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3 years ago