All about miracles

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3 years ago

About the word miracle language. From a word of dreams and hopes. And sometimes everything can happen when we are not aware of it. About the story of a journey of love, which is not realized actually has been present in front of the eyes.

It's about the word wait. Waiting in love and being loved. Which eventually passed and became a bond of true love.

June 1996.

School holidays begin that month. And the memory is about the story of the time where I spent my school holidays at that time. I went on vacation with my three best friends to vacation in the hometown of one of my best friends. Visiting my friend's grandparents and we spent my holiday at that time.

The third day still remembers the incident I met you. Where are you still wearing the red and white uniform. You were still in elementary school at that time. The difference is really far from me who has been sitting in high school akhor level. 6 years difference in our existence.

At that time there was no sign of love or liking present in my mind. And so do you, who in fact are still playing as the age you are living. The meeting between a person who was on vacation to an area far from the city. That's how we started saying that there is no feeling that there will be a story that will continue when we meet again when you are an adult.

What I know and you also know that I was a friend of a villager who was enjoying his vacation at that time. And you saw me as a brother on vacation and was introduced because of the strong bond the villagers had in welcoming the lota people on vacation.

September 2005.

9 years have passed since we first met. Without never communicating and knowing that it will continue to be a love story that is destined. This month is the second month we meet. Where because one of the friends who worked and lived where you lived together turned out to be one of the family of close friends and used to get together from when I was in college.

That meeting was the beginning where we could meet again. You speak now much different from the early days when we first met. So mature and so many changes have happened to you. Beautiful with a smile and laughter that makes me unable to forget when we meet again that time.

Without realizing the time goes by day by day we ask each other how and meet when we have free time. Outside of our busy work, we often meet and walk just to unwind from the fatigue of the days spent at work. And in the end the grains of love are also present and spoken from you where I too have long felt the same thing about what was said to me.

Without a doubt even though you are a woman and much difference in age you know you say that word. You love me and feel comfortable every time you are near me. And hesitatingly, you apologized for your bravery, but I immediately brushed off all your embarrassment at the same time with the same answer.

December 2007

2 years after our journey to get to know each other the good and bad of each of us, I finally said that I would propose to you. And how happy you were when I remembered. You shed tears with thousands of smiles feeling the act of believing that the time has come I invite you to start a new life as husband and wife. And after all that happened, we finally unite our love that we have had together.

If you look at it, it looks short, our journey to enjoy and go through a courtship. But only the two of us know where that actually was a long time ago because if you remember our meeting, you will laugh remembering your childhood when you met me first. A funny story but unexpected and a lesson for us. That destiny has prepared for our true love story.

Now it's been so long since we got married without realizing that we already have smart and cute children. And without realizing it, the time that passed took them to the time that they were starting to grow up. When we both remember all this how much we have been through together. Hard times and happy times. All can pass with great patience and joy to accept each other.

One word true love bond about me and him. A story that brings stories like fairy tales to teenagers. A sincere love story exists because it is without lust and everything about the world poison. Which in the end can walk happily without being disappointed even though the ups and downs hit. Understand that life is about a journey that will have wisdom. So I told to her, you are my heavenly angel.

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3 years ago
