Advantages and Disadvantages Social media marketing

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3 years ago

Advertising a business or business with social media, of course, has its advantages and disadvantages. Besides not being on target and even not being able to compete. Therefore, to use the services of social media marketing, of course, you must ask and reveal what and how the risks and results are obtained.

Social media marketing is a form of offering or marketing a product or service using social media. As it is known that there are many social media, for example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, etc. Each of these media is owned by almost everyone who does not know the age limit of young or old. In fact, children can also operate it as entertainment. However, the benefits of the media are not used for entertainment, but for business. A business that is developed and operated using one or all of these social media.

Choosing social media for a product or service business, of course, has its own reasons. Certainly, there are advantages and disadvantages as well. Included in the following benefits, likely:

  • Easy operation way.

  • Flexible.

  • Free operating costs to a minimal budget.

  • Has wide access.

  • Can operate a business without a time limit.

But, there are so many advantages of using social media, that it makes business people also apply it as another way to earn income. However, there are also several weak points in marketing on social media, such as:

  • Consumers can run away or be irresponsible because business owners and consumers do not meet in person.

  • Resulting in disappointment with products or services that do not match what is shown in the existing offer.

  • Can cause consumers to berate for requests that are not the same as what they want so that other social media users can find out about it.

The application of social media marketing is the right choice to start a business with the benefits. However, for some of the shortcomings that could occur, business people can avoid it. Because some of these weaknesses can occur, prevention must be implemented from the beginning, such as:

  • Include products or services in accordance with the real or details in accordance with the original.

  • Include images with the complete description as is.

  • Includes up to date information on some of the out-of-date products.

Making a purchase agreement, such as agreeing to immediately transfer money, if there is a cancel but already agreed, it can be blacklisted.

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Written by
3 years ago


Impressive article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

we need to f ocus on advantages ro move ahead and should avoid from disadvanatges

$ 0.00
3 years ago