Adding Favors with "Alhamdulillah"

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The pronunciation "Alhamdulillah" when seen from the perspective of Arabic, comes from "Hamidtu Hamdan Lillahi" which means "I have praised with a praise to Allah". Furthermore, this pronunciation is only sufficient by mentioning the basic noun, without the existence of fi'il (verb) in Arabic. This means that the verb "hamidtu" is removed and then the letters alif and lam are inserted at the beginning of the pronunciation.

The additional two letters are used to show meaning that lasts forever and continues. Then, the praise was obtained from the conversion of the number of fi'liyyah to the number of ismiyyah.

For example, the statement "Zaidun Qoimun" (Zaid is an standing person) is obtained by the phrase fi'liyyah which means "Determination of standing for Zaid". Because, its continuity and continuity can be known only from the aspect of the transition from fi'liyyah to ismiyyah.

Based on the information from the Quraish Syihab, the pronunciation of "Alhamdulillah" consists of three words. Namely 'Al' to show the meaning of all. 'Ham' which means praise. And 'Lillah' means Allah. So, the meaning of "Alhamdulillah" is all praise addressed to Allah SWT. In fact, in everyday life, what we often praise is fellow humans.

Then, the question arises, what exactly is praise? Who is worthy of praise? There are three conditions, that those who are entitled to receive praise are someone who has done a good deed. Then, he did it in a conscious state. And someone is not when he does not feel forced.

For example, you are having a hard time. Then, there is someone who is ready to help you, and finally your problem can be resolved. As an appreciation for that person, you would like to say thank you and 'Alhamdulillah' for the completion of your difficulty.

Even so, as humans we only pay attention to our fellow humans. Without knowing that the pronunciation of 'Alhamdulillah' is actually a sentence of praise addressed to Allah SWT. There needs to be awareness, it turns out that all help from a person includes the potential given by Allah. How can we help others, if no one moves it, Allah will determine everything.

However, sometimes we still don't know how to actually praise Allah SWT. Because with His power and greatness, humans feel unworthy of praising Allah SWT. Moreover, usually when seen, every compliment must be directed to someone known. Then, can we really know God by really knowing?

Luckily we as humans have been taught how to praise Him. And that's just a short sentence. Namely say "Alhamdulillah". In fact, how sinful we are who praise Allah only in words, without being followed by debates of deeds.

Imam Ghazali said, "When praising Allah, you must ask Him for forgiveness beforehand. Because the praise given does not match His greatness". That is why, there is a prayer which means "Glory to you. We praise you, but praise comes from You. We praise you as you should be praised, O God". We are unable to provide conclusions or complete praise. "

That is, the more you say "Alhamdulillah" because of the blessings that have been given, the more enjoyment will be. Therefore, let your tongue and attitude always praise Allah with all your taste. He is the Giver of infinite Favors, whether those who give praise to Him or not.

If someone is able to understand this essence and say "Alhamdulillah", surely we are always expecting or infatuated with praise. Nor are they puffed up to forget themselves because of praise given by others. We will only fulfill and complete work tasks that are our own responsibilities, not for the sake of expecting many favors from Allah SWT.

$ 2.58
$ 2.58 from @TheRandomRewarder
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