Active Income and Passive Income

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2 years ago

Having an income of great value every month is everyone's dream. Not a few people make various efforts to achieve this dream. Various things from doing business, doing side work outside of permanent work, and also investing.

In terms of getting income or valuating, there are two types known in the term of income. Active Income and Passive Income.

Active income means is earned income by someone from work that is generally done actively and definitely. Such as permanent or non-permanent work that produces a monthly salary or is based on an employment contract. Business or doing something included in the category of Active Income which essentially requires more active activities.

While passive income is earned income in its own way by property or material that a person has. Or in other words, is income that is earned without doing various things that need action in it.

Passive income can be reward by itself even if someone is asleep. It can be interpreted in simple language, it is not us who work to get material, but our property or material that works for us.

It's so tempting for the word passive income, but to be able to get the word passive income is not without effort and it's not easy either. An example of a business that can be done in order to achieve passive income is by investing.

So to get the realm of passive income is to use capital from the results of active income to get "results/reward " which can be said to be passive income.

One of the things that can be done from passive income today is by investing in the world of crypto. Various kinds of investments in the crypto world have been present not only to buy a coin but also to can mining/staking and other forms of investment in crypto. Sure thing, the word investment is not only in crypto markets, there are many other things in the investment world. Choose and learn before we invest is a must in order to achieve the word have passive income in ourselves.

What is unfortunate about the current situation, especially among millennials generations, is so easy to be carried away by the trending word trendsetter. For most millennials today the conditions for Active Income are not well owned by them, but they force the situation to follow the trend word for the need for words that are not outdated or not updated.

Just imagine the problem of clothing conditions to the needs outside the primary needs of the millennial sometimes very not in accordance with their own income. Forcing to own relatively expensive branded goods just to meet the trend that occurs.

From cases like this, there are things that the millennial generation must understand where they should be aware of their existence first. Where there is nothing wrong and no one forbids dreaming or having expensive things. And there is nothing wrong with following the existing trend.

But what needs to be considered is the condition of the word "if you already have a good passive income then it can be said to be the right condition for fill up a dream or following an existing trend ".

Talking about the right to the condition of one's desires and attitudes is beyond our corridor. This is only an input to the word success that can be achieved by someone. May be taken or not. Maybe it fits or not. Just a picture from a point of view.

If the existence of active income alone is not sufficient, do not force yourself to follow the current trend because how can you achieve the condition of having reliable passive income results for yourself. And if the condition of our passive income is satisfied, use it as best as possible the opportunity for success to be achieved. Patience and self-discipline are part of your success. And the best passive income out there is sharing.

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Written by
2 years ago


Passive income is always better but not everyone is in position to create it. For example writing an e-book can be source of passive income. Write it once, receive payments whenever someone buys it. Time is irrelevant here. If someone buys your e-book even 10 years after you wrote it you still get payment. That's passive.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

My honest opinion would be active income. I don’t think passive incomers would feel the same about active incomers. Active incomers know the real value of money, on contrary to passive incomers don't feel the same way. You've demonstrated both side so outstandingly . Looking forward to your next one

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I think I'm a combiner of the both important earning terms - active and passive in that I work in the aviation where I earn salaries as much as earn passive incomes in here too though ever since I joined in here, I've not really earned up to $1 before and that's very shameful, disappointing and annoying not because I'm not active here but because I'm not known that much.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

From the books I have read, Passive Income is the best Income. Imagine making money while sleeping, this may take days or month but it would be worth it at the end! I love the word Passive Income😁

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Nowadays, in this true race, we need both types of income. You can't rely on one.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I currently have a fixed salary because I am employed. We always look for extra income in different ways, I suppose that it is in our nature to be able to acquire a little more in order to provide a better future for our children, or to improve your own condition a little more. As for investments, I have lost money in them, those promises in shell companies do nothing but make your money disappear in a matter of seconds. Although there are companies that are really very good, you always have to go with an eagle's eye so as not to fall into the trap.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Having both passive and active income is almost everyone dream. Thank for sharing a great article. I myself have been working on having both passive and active incomes.

$ 0.05
2 years ago