A lump of heaven over the mountain

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1 year ago

A lump of heaven, that's a name attached to Kerinci Regency. A title that deserves to be carried because there is a lot of natural beauty that can be found in the area.

Not just a figment, but indeed a very real fact. Not only over the mountain, Kerinci has a lot of existing natural wealth and is very beautiful to be remembered as well as to be explored.

Not only the flora, but also many fauna that make kerinci their place of residence to this day. Some may be included as endangered by the destruction of nature by human exploitation, such as the Sumatran tiger and Sumatran elephant.

Kerinci has many of the best natural attractions in the Sumatra region. As if storing thousands of parts of natural conditions from various parts of the world, Kerinci Regency is like storing small replicas as a natural image that is created. Like the bento swamp, a small swamp area that is appropriate to represent the natural conditions of the Amazon swamp, Kaco Lake represents a clear lake that is clean and clear as glass, and many others.

A piece of heaven's land deserves to be pinned on this region. As a representative of nature to humans, how beautiful nature is and it should be protected.


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Written by
1 year ago


It was a breathtaking view ❤

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1 year ago