A given that meaning of being happy

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3 years ago

Children in life give meaning that is really big and valuable. A gift that is so great given by the Creator. And I'm grateful to feel proud to be trusted and to be able to feel what parenting means.

Indeed, the love of parents is infinite. However, children's affection can also be said to be more than parental affection for their children. Fifteen years passed, with them I felt a lot of new things about life with their presence.

The boundless affection that I often feel. Selflessly by saying a blaring smile always fills the heart of the soul. The unexpected and unpredictable outbursts they gave were so enchanting and always made this heart flower. Overcoming all feelings of fatigue, indecision, anxiety, and all feelings of hopelessness. Generating a million immeasurable strengths for a human servant.

Alfa, Laya, and Rafa. My three little angels always fill my day with smiles that are often created and can forget the Tired days I lived without being felt. Various bursts of jokes and laughter, eliminating the tears and wounds that often come during life in the world. Full of true loyalty and always brings in harmony the life journey that I am currently living.

I remember a few days ago I gave a little celebration of the birth of the youngest on his birthday. How he often said to remind me of his birthday, which I always missed or forgot, even though it was just to celebrate it together between the four of us at home, but unfortunately all this time it was always overlooked for him because of my busy life and various affairs that made me often forget. And in the end yesterday I remembered it and tried to fulfill it even though it was just a small celebration between the four of us who were simple together. A small celebration that creates an atmosphere of thousands of joys among the thousands of stories that have happened. How happy and often he hugged me and kissed me because he had remembered and granted what he wanted to ask. Yes, to this day he still remembers it and always says the words "my dear father" in his sincere and often spoken words to this day. Funny but amazing for me.

The joyful rush that I still feel today without my knowing it has given me the meaning of true happiness. Not a hunk of diamond or sparkling gold jewel or anything else. Expect only a little attention from a father to remember it. How happy he was when it all happened, no longer seeing what he got that day. His memory only reminded me of how much my father loved me and tried to keep loving me.

Unforgettable love he created to be able to repay it to me and this is not a fictional story but true, where every time I want to make coffee he always tries to quickly make it for me. Although the coffee tastes a little strange (hahaha), sometimes it is bitter and sometimes it tastes sweet. Even though it was only a small request from him, it had changed his innocent mindset to understand the love he felt more and more.

Yes, even though it's just a little attention, sometimes children can better appreciate what attention means. Their sincere concern or not, of course, they don't understand. But they can still try to give back the attention they do, with sincerity, and feel very different from us adults.

Children can also be interpreted as a self-reminder of the meaning of love and which one is more appropriate for me to prioritize at this time. The greatest reward in life that God has given me in the life I live. And to God I say, I give thanks for His great gift to me. Thank you, God, for giving Your infinite gifts ...

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3 years ago
