5 Most Expensive Digital Currencies

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3 years ago

The development of the times for a better direction makes everything possible and is accompanied by the creation of various innovations. Seeing these developments, recently there has also been an innovation regarding digital currency which seems to have attracted many people to learn about it.

Today's digital currency is like gold, even more, valuable than a dollar, so it is suitable as a long-term investment. Even though at the beginning of its appearance, digital currencies only had low prices or exchange rates. However, over time coupled with the increasing public interest in this currency, the price of digital currency has increased dramatically. Until now, one of the digital currencies, Bitcoin, is estimated to cost hundreds of millions per unit.

The emergence of one of the most influential digital currencies in the world, Bitcoin, was originally developed by someone under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. What's more, this digital currency actually implements a peer-to-peer network system without centralized storage or a single administration so that all transactions related to digital currencies can be seen by everyone.

The launch of Bitcoin eventually gave birth to many other digital currencies whose prices were also far, far from fantastic. There are at least 5 most expensive digital currencies to date.

  1. Bitcoin

    price when this article was created: $ 12,026.43

  2. yearn.finance

    price when this article was created: $10,176.91

  3. Maker

    price when this article was created: $664.77

  4. Ethereum

    price when this article was created: $424.87

  5. Bitcoin Cash

    price when this article was created: $307.11

Those are the 5 most expensive digital currencies at this time, but it does not rule out that the price is decreasing or increasing over time. The position can also be shifted at any time. This means that digital currency price movements are unpredictable and can go up or down at any time.

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3 years ago


Thank for the infoπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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3 years ago

This is an informative article. I learn more thing about these. Thanks for sharing this with us πŸ’ž πŸ’•

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