2 Beautiful flowers in the world that are already rare

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3 years ago

Flowers are a beautiful thing to look at. In this world, there are thousands of types of flowers, ranging from small to large, from bad smelling to very fragrant, and some even expensive, which lure smugglers to get them. These types of flowers have become rare, mostly as a result of the destruction of their natural habitat, the massive hunting for their beauty until they cannot re-exist in their natural habitat!

So, of the thousands of types of flowers, there are 2 types of beautiful, rarest flowers in the world. If you've seen it you must be really lucky!

1. Franklinia

image source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Franklinia_alatamaha.jpg

The flower of this tree is very unique, as it has dark green leaves that turn red in autumn and produces flowers with 5 beautiful white petals with a bright yellow center. Its natural habitat is in the Altahama river valley, State of Georgia, United States of America. It was first discovered in 1765 when Georgia was still a British colony. In 1785, this flower was published in a catalog and was named Benjamin Franklin. Now in its natural habitat, this flower is extinct, guys, but efforts to escape through agricultural gardens because of its popularity have kept this flower's existence in the world!

2. Cosmos atrosanguineus

image source: https://www.longfield-gardens.com/_ccLib/image/articles/ADDI2-246.jpg 

This flower with a reddish-brown color, its natural habitat in Mexico. This flower is closely related to the Franklin tree, which became extinct in the wild about 100 years ago. You need to know, this flower has no seeds and produces shoots too! So that the breeding must be through divided roots and tissue culture technology making it quite difficult to develop on its own.

Header image source: https://img.crocdn.co.uk/images/products2/pl/20/00/01/06/pl2000010615.jpg?width=940&height=940

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Written by
3 years ago


Wosam N

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I really liked your article, these flowers are definitely beautiful, what a pity that they are in danger of extinction ... Keep sharing this type of information

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks. Unfortunately, they are threatened with extinction. Hopefully I can continue to share good information here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good night

$ 0.00
3 years ago