(Shoegaze) Running Blog 05: MBV's 'Isn't Anything' Review (日本語/英語)
Ran to My Bloody Valentine's 1988 album "Isn't Anything" today. Went at a pretty good clip and had a nice average mile time.
今日は、マイ・ブラッディ・ヴァレンタインの「Isn't Anything 」を聴きながら走っていた。今日のペース私的に良かったです。
This album probably isn't as accessible to the "mainstream listener" as 1991's "Loveless," but damn are there some good songs on here. I recommend if you like shoegaze. When I first heard the opening track "Soft As Snow (But Warm Inside)" after already warming up to the legendary album "Loveless," I didn't like it at all, and stopped listening. That was a mistake. Now I love it as an integral part of the full "Isn't Anything" album, but it's the other tracks that really capture me. "Lose My Breath" will put you in another world. "No More Sorry" is a beautiful, otherworldly sadness. "Cupid Come" — a fuzzy, bass-y, blast of nostalgic alternative energy, with catchy hooks and melodies. And the final track of the album, "I Can See It (But I Can't Feel It)," is a nice sunset after the chaos of the day from earlier tracks. Which chaos is also wonderful and necessary to the ride.
このアルバムは、多分普通のリスナーにとって聴きにくいかも知れないが、素晴らしいですよ。シューゲイザーが好きなら、ぜひ、聴いて見て下さい!僕の場合は、「Loveless」を聴いた後で初めて聴きましたので、この「Isn't Anything」あまり好きじゃなかった、最初で。それでも、大好きになってしまった。ルーズ・マイ・ブレスって言う曲を聴くと、他のワールドに行くはずだよ。「No More Sorry」は、この世のものとも思えないの美しい悲しさ。このアルバムの最後のトラックは夕日みたいな感じがする。最初はカオスがあるけど、そのカオスも、美しい。「Cupid Come」って言う曲のジャリジャリなエネルギーとファズはとても美味しいです。「I Can See It (But I Can't Feel It)」の感じは優しいメランコリーと痛恨でも、未来を見ってる希望がある感じがする。
Other tracks I recommend from today's run and walk home are:
Ride - "All I Want"
Aphex Twin - "4" and "Film"
Duster - "Docking the Pod"
Ibwould also like to walk in that scenery.