l Live at Night (the lucky ones)

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Avatar for AlternativeJapan
1 year ago
Topics: Japan, Travel, Non-Poetry

I live at night

under the influence

of stars, dreams and thoughts

no one knows

Her lips were blue on Mt. Fuji

and she said this is close enough to the summit

ready to fall asleep (and die if we didn't get her to continue)

Five women, and me

Climbing Fuji in the rain

We made it

And a man at the top was trying to take a

Sunrise picture

But all the camera caught was fog

I had to laugh

I remember when the air got thin

before the rain

someone made an unfunny joke (maybe it was me)

but we howled like animals

our brains so starved for air

I felt a trepidation up there, and a wonder

like something else

and felt in my bones

why ancient morons thought God lived on mountains

The answer is

When you climb Mt. Fuji

never plan for the real thing

Only bring a bag of sandwich wrappers

and a 1/4 bottle of water

If you can survive that

and get back to the Tokyo cushion

Well, maybe you are a god?

That's what life is like.

If you're one of the lucky ones.

Cover image: I hiked 8 hours at night under non stop rain for this: the majestic sunrise at the top of Mt Fuji. : r/ShittyEarthPorn

$ 0.42
$ 0.38 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Shohana
$ 0.01 from @sanctuary.the-one-law
+ 1
Avatar for AlternativeJapan
1 year ago
Topics: Japan, Travel, Non-Poetry


This post sounds like a poetry and things make me feel awesome but as human I never can feel like a God. Thanks for sharing your thoughts

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Well, I don't presume to know how you view the idea of God, or what your views thereabouts are, but even in the Christian tradition (The Bible) the idea pops up!

John 10:34

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I can't see the cover image from mount Fuji for some reason, and I would love to!

If it is possible could you also upload it as an image in the text section? Thank you!

$ 0.10
1 year ago

Sure, just added it in the post. It's not a beautiful one, though — some girl posted it to "Shitty Earth Porn" lol. But basically the view I saw. Still, a fantastic experience.

$ 0.00
1 year ago


On another issue I tipped $1 yesterday but the tip is nowhere to be seen on readcash. Strange. I hope you got it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks man! I believe I may have gotten it. Others are having this same issue, though. Myself as well.

$ 0.00
1 year ago