5 strange places
The sea under the ground
Scientists have recently discovered the existence of a huge body of water at a depth of 60 km below the surface. It is thought to be about 2.6 billion years old and larger than all the world's oceans.
Under interrogation, Andrew said he had received information about the stock market from the future and had been using the time machine since 2256. Someone later paid জাম 1 million for his bail. He was not found again.
Boiling river
As a child, geologist Andrzej Rousseau used to listen to his grandmother about a river of boiling water, which would burn enemies in its hot water. In 2011, Ruzo discovered the river with a water temperature of about 6 degrees Celsius. The river is located just 600 km from the nearest volcano.
The sinking pillar of Unaguni
Many ancient architectural ruins are buried under the sea water on Unaguni Island in Japan. In 1967, some Japanese divers found these five-story-tall statues of architecture and human habitation.
Ghost Ships
Daring is the name of a ghost ship in Carol. In 1921, the ship was found unoccupied with deck-filled food and logbooks. Later, a movie was also made based on this incident.
Bimini Road
The city of Atlanta, lost in 1930 to an American claim, is in Bimini. Later, in September 1986, a 600-meter-long paved road was found off the coast of South Bimini. Many believe these are the remnants of ancient Atlanta.