The beginning of the universe or the Big Bang: what is singularity (1 ÷ 0 =?)

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3 years ago

The beginning of the universe or the Big Bang: what is singularity

(1 ÷ 0 =?)

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Many have been asked to ask since there was no space before the Big Bang, and since scientists say the Big Bang started from a point, if the Big Bang started from a point, where was that point?

This is actually a complex question. Let's talk about it today.

According to the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago today, all the space in the universe was compressed to a point in a state of contraction, which in science is called singularity.

I don't understand that, but what is the singularity?

To understand this we can think of a simple example.

Suppose someone asks you what is the quotient of a number divided by zero?

Think a little and tell me the answer?

What happens when you divide a number by zero? The question sounds simple, but the solution is very mysterious. In addition, there are answers to many unknown questions in the universe!

Most surprisingly, if we could solve this problem, we would be able to open the door to many unknown mysteries in this universe!

All our thinking world is stuck in this small part, that is, any number (except zero) ÷ 0 in this part.

Today we will see how much quotient is obtained by dividing a number by zero, and where, how, our ability to understand nature is stuck.

We start with a simple example.

Suppose you are asked, what is the quotient of 10 divided by 10?

Very simple, the answer is 1 which is 10 ১০ 10 = 1.

Who doesn't know Math is so easy !!

Now the question is how much will be divided by 10 by 5?

Answer 2.

10 ÷ 5 = 2

Well, what is 10 divided by 2?

Dividing 10 by 2, the quotient will be 5.

Now if we divide 10 by 1, what will be the quotient?

Answer 10.

What is the quotient of 10 divided by 0.1?

Answer 100.

10 ÷ 0.1 = 100.

Dividing 10 by 0.01?

The answer is 1000.

Now we arrange the above parts one by one and write a little to see how beautiful they look! What do you say !!

10 ÷ 10 = 1

10 ÷ 5 = 2

10 ÷ 2 = 5

10 ÷ 1 = 10

10 ÷ 0.1 = 100

10 ÷ 0.01 = 1000

10 ÷ 0.001 = 10,000

10 ÷ 0.00001 = 100,000

10 ÷ 0.0000001 = 100,000

10 ÷ 0.000000001 = 100000000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10 ÷ 0.0000000000001 = 100000000000000

Well, have you noticed the above parts a little better? Tell me what is happening in those parts?

Yes, you got it right. If we look closely, we see an interesting thing, and that is that if we keep the number 10 and keep dividing the number by 10, our quotient keeps getting bigger.

Pretty beautiful, isn't it!

Well, now if I ask you a short question, can you please answer my question?

Tell me, what is the number closest to "zero"?


Why, I can imagine a number smaller than the number you said by adding more zeros after the decimal!

Such as two billion zeros after the decimal then one.

I'm not satisfied with that either, I can only imagine smaller numbers.


0.0000000000 ..... (one trillion zero) ... 0000001

In fact, the correct answer to the question I asked is, we don't really know what the closest number to zero is.

We can think of our imaginary number even smaller by constantly putting zero after the decimal, and there is no end to this process.

Okay, fine.

Now let's go to the real discussion.

Well, if we could divide 10 by a number close to zero, what would be the quotient?

We can easily give the answer by looking at the quotient obtained in the above process: we get #giant .... one number, one big number that we can't even imagine.

We could never finish that day by writing that number in digit form.

I say a little more, how?

Literally if we could divide 10 by zero, we would get the largest number in this universe.

What is that big number?

I'm so sorry for you, I don't really know, I can't even imagine what that number is.

Suppose I named the number infinite (which has no end).

That is, I said that dividing 10 by 0 gives the quotient infinite.

10 ÷ 0 = infinite.

But there is a huge ambiguity in this statement as well.

Have you noticed well where the problem is?

If you do not understand, look at the lower part.

16 ÷ 3 = 7

That is, dividing 18 by 3 gives the quotient of 7.

Conversely, we can say that multiplying 3 by 7 gives the product 18.

That is, if you gather three sixes or six three in one place, you get the divisor of the previous part, that is, eighteen.

But 10 ÷ 0 = infinite - when we look at it, we fall into a huge ganja - by adding an infinite number of zeros, we don't get 10.

Because we get one crore why, even if we add ten crore zeros, we get zero.

What a great ganjam!

So what's going on here?

The answer is, We don't know. We do not know the correct answer. Our brains do not have that capability. Maybe another world has the answer,

but our brain cannot process that division in this world.

Maybe in the world of higher dimensions or billions of times more intelligent beings than us to know the answer to this question.

Who knows the deepest mystery of this universe!

Now you must understand why mathematicians say that quotient is undefined when you divide any number by zero.

That is 1 ÷ 0 = undefined (that means we don't know the answer to this part in this world, we can't define it in any way, we don't have that capacity in our brain).

What did I say at the beginning?

The answers to many of the most complex questions in the universe are stuck in this little math.

This time you must be able to know a little bit about the singularity.

If you have read the Big Bang about the origin of the universe in various books, you will have to face this word many times.

I have said before that you may have heard many people say that the journey of the universe started with a singularity. If you move this universe towards the passage of time, the size of this universe will continue to get smaller and at some point all the space will shrink and become a point. At that point all the energy of this universe will be stored.

Then what is the energy density of space?

All the energy in the universe ÷ the size of a small space like a dot ~ infinite energy density

(Theoretically, by the definition of a point, the point actually has no volume)

In fact, we do not know the energy density of the universe at that time!

All our math-physics get stuck in this place!

Let's come to another example.

You must have heard of black holes or black holes.

We fall victim to this same kind of situation in the interpretation of black holes. In order to solve the equation of Einstein's general theory of relativity in the explanation of black holes, there are two terms divided by zero. And that's where all the chaos started (one of the terms is the event horizon, another point is the point of the center of the black hole. To make it easier to write, I did not go into the details and did not use the equation).

Now you must understand why I said at the beginning of the writing that if we knew the method of dividing a number by zero and the quotient obtained, then we could solve this huge mystery of the universe !!!

From now on, you must remember what singularity is and why quotient is considered undefined when any number is divided by zero.

Because that doesn’t make any sense in our world, our universe (but maybe it is completely valid and logical in another world or another universe)!

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3 years ago
