History of Clock Discovery ............................ And the importance of the clock

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3 years ago

History of the invention of the watch ............................

How did this watch come about?

Although it is not known exactly who invented the watch, it is known that it originated in Egypt and Babylon about five and a half thousand years ago. Interestingly, it still survives. However, there is no ticking sound. Because it is thornless in seconds and minutes. And the name of this watch comes from the Latin word klokka to today's klok, which came 600 years ago.

The first thing that started the journey of the clock was the sundial. For this, people used to bury a stick in an empty place. And he would put a circle next to it and put it in the wheel and there were various signals in it, which he could see and understand how long it was.

But even if this method could be used at night, problems would arise at night. So the eyes would go to the sky. After much searching, they finally found the star, which looked like the English letter W. It was called a watch. Which was first discovered by the Germans.

The water clock was invented by the Egyptians around 1400 BC. This was measured in a funnel with a pipe connected to the water. Then comes the hourglass. It started circulating about 1200 years ago. A few days later, a wristwatch was invented in China. Which is only made for the night. However, it is still unknown who invented the watch.

However, the first instrument clock came to life in the hands of Archimedes. This watch was made in 128 in London. However, the American fuse sponsor made the first watch.


This is the first mechanical watch. It originated in Egypt and Babylon about five and a half thousand years ago. It still survives today. There is no cut of seconds and minutes, no ticking sound. However, the time is perfect. There is a time indicator on the round disc and the time is cut, with the sundial.

Clock came from the Latin word ‘clokka’ only 800 years ago. Clokka means bell. However, no specific person has been named as the discoverer of this valuable discovery in history. However, the use of sundials has been around for a long time. The Egyptians are thought to have built the first natural clock, the sundial, and the Europeans invented the first mechanical clock based on this theory in the 14th century.

But clocks made in the 14th century were only able to indicate hours, not minutes or seconds. Moreover, the current clock had two hours a day as that clock, which means that the clock could only rotate 360 ​​degrees in one day. In other words, with this watch, the time could not be calculated completely accurate and precise.

They watch:

Time was found by looking at the light of the sun not during the day but at night it made people wonder how to find time. Eyes went to the night sky. They looked for a star in the night sky that would always go from one side to the other. Was finally found.

Very bright to look at and a little tall. It rises to the north of the sky and slowly moves south, not only do they rotate clockwise around the center of the pole so that time can be determined effortlessly. Its name is 'Cassiopia'. Looks exactly like the English letter W. The Germans were the first to discover this 'star clock'.

Water clock:

They come after the clock ‘water clock’. The Egyptians invented the first water clock around 1400 BC. How did the 'water clock' work?

A funnel is filled with water, and a narrow pipe is placed under that funnel. Funnel water flowed through a narrow pipe into a jar. They would put a light cork in the jar. A time indicator with teeth was cut at the other end of the pot. Water flowed slowly from the funnel into the jar, and the more water fell into the jar, the more the cork floated. With that the time indicator would start to cut and rotate. Time to say that. The Greeks called it 'Clipsedra'.


Then came the ‘hourglass’. It started circulating about twelve years ago. The hourglass was a bit like a water clock.

However, this watch requires a funnel with a flat middle. This time he poured some sand over the funnel into the funnel, and the sand got stuck in the middle of the funnel. The sand began to fall through the flat part of the relatively fine and fine-grained sand funnel. At the bottom of the funnel was a scale. The amount of sand deposited was determined at a specific time.


At night, people invented ‘wax clock’ as an alternative to human watch. The first wax clock was invented in China. They used this clock in the manner of a sundial.

In the dark room they lit a candle. They set no standards near that light. The wax light fell on that standard. The front part of the standard was illuminated and the back part was shaded. The smaller the wax, the longer the shadow. People used to measure time by measuring these shadows.


It is still unknown who invented the watch, but many believe that the first watch came to life in the hands of Archimedes. From the information I have at the moment, I know that a watch called 'Greattom' was made in London in 128. A clock was made in 1360 for King Charles de France, which is still in use. The first fuse sponsor in America made the watch.


A wristwatch is a small watch that is attached to a person's wrist with a ribbon. Displays the time and day, date, month and year sometimes observed.

In 1524, Peter Henlin made the first pocket watch. Prior to 1900, most watches were pocket watches that were fastened to a pocket by a shackle.

Prior to 1960, all watches had a numbered dial with a rotating clock hand and a longer minute hand.

When digital watches come on the market. The digital clock has tiny computers inside to keep time. It shows the time as a number on a digital clock instead of a dial.

Atomic clock:

There are currently atomic clocks that do not return a fraction of a millionth of a second and time. There are two such watches in the USNBS laboratory.

This clock is so perfect that even in 500 billion years it will not move around for a second. And this period is more than the age of the earth! Named 'strontium lattice clock', this watch will tell 50 percent better time than the previous record-breaking quantum logic clock.

The first watch was made by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Researchers from the Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) and the University of Colorado worked with them to build the new watch. The new watch is unimaginably durable.

An article about the watch was recently published in the science journal Nature. Dr Jun Ye, head of the research team, said they were already trying to improve the watch's efficiency. They hope that in the next 5 to 10 years more revolutionary changes will take place in their perfect watch.

The atomic clock basically works using the vibrations of atoms between two energy levels. The strontium lattice clock uses thousands of stronium atoms.

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Written by
3 years ago


Your article is awesome it's about watch.time is one of the most important thing in our life.you are so brilliant my dear.

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