Positive Effects of watching Korean Dramas: My POV

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2 years ago
Date: October 6, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

Annyeonghaseyo [안녕하세요] my fantastic readers! Have you guys set your goals for this day? Well guys, come on! What are you waiting for? Create your “to-do-list” now and be productive today!

I am AlphaCron, a newbie writer and let me introduce to you my 4th article.


I would have to say that this article that you are about to read is very close to my heart provided that it has been for ages since I considered myself a Korean drama fanatic. With that said, if you are an avid fan of ‘k-dramas,’ then I am sure you can relate to this article. For those readers here in this platform who are not a fan, I hope you guys still consider reading as I can guarantee that you will gain something from this content. May you enjoy reading!

Screenshot of lists of korean dramas exclusive on Netlfix

What is K-Drama?

For the information of everyone, Korean drama or K-drama is defined as a broadcasted drama wherein the language used is Korean. In addition, k-drama is proudly made in South Korea and thus, it is typically set-up in miniseries. Furthermore, I must say that this type of drama has this kind of unique aspect that undeniably sets apart from the usual western soap operas.

Is K-Drama widely recognized across the globe?

Due to this so-called “Korean Wave,” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_wave Korean dramas are very well-known in all parts of the world favorably in the Philippines. One good thing about the entertainment industry in South Korea is that their dramas are accessible and can be watched through cellphone, laptop, or television provided that they offer subtitles in various languages.

Here are the four positive effects of watching Korean dramas. 👉🏻❤👈🏻

I get to know their culture

  • One of the values I observed in Koreans is they are family-oriented. They are very devoted to one another. I may relate to this culture in my country because we are also family-oriented. We put our family first before anything else. On the other hand, every country has a different culture. I can say that there is no superior culture. All cultures are valid and equal. What we need is to respect and understand each other’s differences.

I get to learn their language

  • I really do believe that the more we are exposed to a particular language, the more we learn how to practice it. This is not to brag but I learned some common Korean words like “annyeonghaseyo” [Hi], “joesonghabnida,” [I’m sorry] “gwaenchanh-a,” [it’s okay] and of course, the “saranghaeyo” [I love you]. I learned as well how they sound when they speak so whenever I pronounce those above-mentioned Korean words, I feel like I speaking it right. I can also sing some korean official soundtrack songs.

I feel motivated to finish my studies

  • One of the reasons why watching Korean dramas motivates me to finish my studies is because I want to go to South Korea and experience the Korean vibes. In terms of tourist spots, South Korea has a lot of places to offer. I want to go to Namsan Tower, Bukchon Hanok Village, Itaewon, and so much more. I just have to make a lot of money after I graduate but before that, I should do well in class.

I get to appreciate Fashion

  • I cannot deny that through watching korean dramas, I was able to be acquainted with their fashion sense. I learned how to dress like a korean men (just exclude the face hahaha). Good for the country of South Korea because they experience 4 seasons (winter, spring, summer, and autumn) unlike in the Philippines, we only have wet and dry seasons. In addition, I love how simple (but with a touch of fashion) and neat they are on screen. When it comes to their complexion, I really admire how healthy their skin looks like. Aside from that, I admire how they achieve a skinglass face. They really give so much importance to their skin. [Sana All!]

Closing thought 💡

As someone who is so fond of watching K-dramas, I can say that I did not just watch k-dramas because I want to be part with the growing trend, I watch k-dramas because it gives me positive effect which is good for my well-being. I get to appreciate myself and the people around me. Thus, I get to have this sense of empathy. Without a doubt, love, acceptance, kindness, resiliency, familyhood, and all other positive values are being promoted in Korean dramas. However, i'm not closing my door to other dramas tho.

Thanks guys for reading! 😘💕

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2 years ago


Is that you ? The picture above? I am also a k -drama fan haha and in my own experience it faster for me to finish a whole series than to finish my school activities. Lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is true Hahahah 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What do you mean the picture above? Are you referring to my profile picture?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I mean the picture in the last part of your article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes :)

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2 years ago