Omma's Day!

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1 year ago
Date: September 13, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Yesterday was a very special day not just to me but also to the whole family as one of our dearest family member is celebrating her 53rd birthday. Reading the title of my blog, you obviously knew already who I am referring to. She's no other than my mother.

Mom's age? Secret 😂

Although it's mom's significant day, we couldn't help but travel back to another city because of our work. In spite of that, we still managed ourselves to greet personally our mom a happy birthday before we bid goodbye.

As much as we wanted to spend the rest of the day together with our family however, we couldn't, and I know she would understand. At least we were able to see her presence and was able to hug and kiss her to our hearts' content. I could really see in her eyes that she's genuinely happy as we expressed our affection to her through those gestures.

It's been a while since the last time we traveled back to our hometown; that was on the 14th day of July when my grandma celebrated her birthday. To tell you honestly, my brother and I already planned that we won't go home not because we don't want to but because we don't have enough money to spend her memorable day. However, God is just so amazing because I honestly didn't expect to receive an overflowing financial blessing.

Speaking of financial blessings, finally I already received my scholarship refund. I was longing to receive my scholarship grant as I've been waiting it almost two years already, but I guess it really pays to wait. What I did with the money that I got was to give my family almost half of the money for their every day expenses. I am extremely delighted to see my parents face when I handed them the money. I am I made mama happy.


To this woman I love so dearly, I thank God for your existence. I really am grateful to have you as my mom. You radiate nothing but positivity. Indeed, you are my key source of inspiration. You taught me nothing but kindness. Mama, know that I am always here for you. I will always be your boy. Cheers to more years of living a meaningful life. I can't wait for you to witness my success. I love you from the bottom of my core.

Hey folks! It's been a while! Anyway, thanks for dropping by. Know that I appreciate you. Hope you had a blast today.

See you on my next blog!

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1 year ago


UwU happy birthday to your motherbelssssss. Sarap may oa cakey, for sure she's very very happwi 🥳🥳

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I always appreciate people who loved their parents, they are one of the most precious gift from God to us. Be lated happy birthday to your mom, I hope she will be blessed with more years to come.

$ 0.00
1 year ago