I can make a DIFFERENCE

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Date: October 7, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

Hello to my ever supportive readers! And to all teachers and aspiring teachers out there, Happy Teacher's Day to us! šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—


My Automotive Family šŸ–¤

IĀ becameĀ awareĀ ofĀ life'sĀ inequity at a very young age. To be honest, I came from a low-income household. Even thoughĀ my parents are present to support us in whatever way they can, but I know they experience the so-called ā€œstruggleā€ just to raise the three of us. Undeniably, sending the three of us to school makes it more complicated for them because of our close gap years. In spite of that circumstance, they do not bother to care about it and just take the challenge.

With that said, because of my parents, attaining education has been my primary focus. My parents often remind us the value of getting an education, despite the fact that they themselves did not obtain one. They always emphasize to us the importance of education in achieving success in life. And so, I made a promise to myself that I will not let them down; that I am going to do my very best to finish my studies in order for them to be proud of me. That really was, without even a doubt, the most important lesson I learned from them. Owing to my parents, I was able to decide what career path I would like to follow in college, and that is to pursue the field of teaching.

"TheĀ mostĀ powerfulĀ weaponĀ youĀ canĀ useĀ toĀ changeĀ theĀ worldĀ isĀ education.ā€

If you would ask me; I consider this statement of Nelson Mandela as one of my constant reminders to not give up on my studies especially now that I am in my last year of schooling. Indeed, college life is extremely challenging and thus it is the toughest stage of a studentā€™s life I must say. I know that some of us, whether we admit it or not, would tend to say at the back of our minds or even say it straightforwardly that we were so fed up with getting an education but still doing school works. It is funny how we always rant and rant about how stressful school life is yet we still are determined to graduate and pursue our chosen career.

My Doubts :[

As an education student, equipping myself to become an educator in the near future is quite worrying. I often think about what if I fail to do my duty as a provider and a facilitator of knowledge? What if I found out that I am not good enough as a teacher? I do have a lot of what-ifs in my mind that sometimes I get to doubt my capabilities. My worries get even worse because of this so-called online education. Due to the pandemic situation, my way of learning has changed dramatically but I have no choice but to deal with this alternative educational setting. Even though I am not used to this kind of circumstance, however, I need to adapt to the changes and move forward as if nothing happened. I must say that nothing beats a face-to-face class.

Honestly, online classes are unexciting and stressful. Aside from that, it makes you feel unmotivated to learn. I am aware that I should not be feeling this way, but I could not help myself. However, it is just a temporary feeling, whenever I feel like giving up, I always remind myself what is my purposeā€”why do I want to become an educator. Just by constantly reminding myself, I get to pull my senses back together.

I know I have something to offer to the world. Teaching may seem challenging, however once you know your purpose, surely you will get ahead of the challenges. Besides, I want to instill in others the value of education so that they can achieve success as well. I understand that everything I learn at school is crucial to my future career, and that if I do not give my best in class, I will be disappointing my future students. I always believe that every child deserves the best education, and I should aspire to be the best educator I can be in order to give it to them.

Closing thought šŸ’”

I always believe that it just takes one person to make a difference in somebody's life. A single person can make a difference. It only takes one person to turn around a life that has become unmotivated and broken. Those individuals are teachers. Being a teacher, you should always encourage your students to do their best, you assist them in achieving success when no one else can, and also be a listener to them. Thousands of students' lives can be changed by a single teacher and I want to be that significant someone who can able to touch otherā€™s lives.

I would like to take this oppotunity to thank my first sponsor @Sequoia , thanks for supporting me with this new endeavor. God bless you and your family. To more sponsors to come! Thank you guys for reading! šŸ˜˜šŸ’•

Sponsors of AlphaCron

$ 0.13
$ 0.05 from @Bloghound
$ 0.05 from @adoniis
$ 0.03 from @Sequoia
Sponsors of AlphaCron


Even though you have some doubts, I like how motivated you are to become a teacher. We need more teachers like this. More teachers that value their duty and are excited to teach. (there's nothing worse than completely uninterested teacher). I'm sure you will be an amazing teacher :) šŸ’—

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for reading my article and for giving positive words! It warms my heart. ā¤ā¤ā¤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Even a simple hi and a smile from a stranger would make a huge difference. Stay motivated! Chin up and keep on keeping on. Nice to meet you, Alpha and welcome to read.cash šŸ™‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you, @Bloghound ā£

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Laban rajud ta yooorrr. Hahahaha usahay gani makapangutana ko nag skwela pa diay ko? HAHAHAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gamayng antos nalang

$ 0.00
2 years ago