15 Things Women Do Far Better Than Men

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3 years ago

There is the popular belief that women are the weaker of the two sexes, and almost everything we know proves that fact, and of course any man would be proud to be referred to as the stronger sex. While there is no room for doubt to that belief that champions of the feminist cause have attacked for decades long, don't you assume that men outclass women in everything.

Most of the top world leaders, entrepreneurs, technologists and scientists, etc are screamingly men. Plus the fact that over 80% of history's top achievers are men. So you would hold on doggedly to the belief that men rule every area of human endeavor, and there is virtually no space left for the females.

 Sorry to bring your to a little surprise, and for jerking your out of your illusion, there are several capabilities that women possesses more than their over glorified male counterparts, and as far as they are concerned, men cannot hold a candle to them in those things. Some of this facts have been proven by scientific studies, you would have little reason to doubt them. Well, feminists may be right, being a woman is not all about being weak. And likewise being a man is not all about being the unbendable iron. When it comes to this 15 things, women always come out on top.

 15. Women Are Better Computer Programmers

 Ada Lovelace is on the bright side of history for being the first computer programmer- a woman. She was the first woman to make history in the field of computer programming, but definitely not the last. America and its World War II allies relied heavily on the services of female computer programmers to pull through the conflict. It seems that that gene is still running strong in women down through the generations.

 Recent research has revealed that women make more better programmers than the males. A study at the University of Sussex revealed that girls created highly sophisticated coding systems when designing 3D games than boys did. So if you are female and nurse dream of entering the field, this may well be the one serious nudge you need towards your dream.

14. The Female Body Is More Adapted To Fighting Off Diseases 

Women's immune systems are tougher than that of men because of a hormone called Estrogen, which is the primary female sex hormone. With the help of estrogen, there is a lesser risk of giving in to diseases and infections than men.

13. There Senses Of Hearing And Sight Are Stronger

 This is true, according to researcher Abramov of the City University of New York. Women posses a finely tuned ability to detect slight variations in color. Very few men are familiar with the colors “mauve” and “taupe”, but nearly all women do. Women also possess a far superior sense of smell than men do.

12. Women Live Longer

 You may doubt the fact, but women have longer lives than men. A woman's life extends 5 years longer than that of a man does. Even more surprising is the finding by The New England Centenary study, that out of all the people in the world who have made it beyond the 100-year mark, 85% are women. Contemplating this startling discovery may not yield the reason it is so, but we know women were just made that way. Ladies will be happy to have that tingling feeling of superiority reading this. Sorry men.

 11. Women Make Better Investors 

Does that sound like it's a lie? Or you just deny it because of that dominant male ego. It is true anyway, when it comes in investment-making, women are more adept than men.

A Barclays Wealth and Ledbury research supports this fact, blaming men's lesser ability in this area on their testosterone hormone which compels the ego-charged human species to take unnecessary risks. More proof is lent to this fact by a 2005 study by Merrill Lynch, which says that women sell off their bad investments more quickly than men do. So you might want to bring a woman into your next investment pursuit, whoever, your spouse or so, or risk loosing everything. Sorry for your pricked pride.

 10. They Are Better At The Wheels

 Confirmation that men are more likely to die in car accidents than women have been provided by several studies. Some raise the likelihood to as high as 77%. A study of car accidents in New York, conducted over the course of 5 years found out that 80% of accidents where pedestrians were killed or injured involved male drivers.

 9. Women Make Better Medical Doctors 

Medicine is virtually a male-dominated profession. There may be more male doctors than the female ones but female physicians are better at the game than their male counterparts. A study confirmed that female doctors are more likely than the male ones to adhere to physicians' guidelines and to prescribe the right drugs for any ailment.

8. They Multitask Better Than Men

 Multiple scientific studies on multitasking have come out with the result that women are better at handling multiple tasks all at once. That is an ability most men are jerks at. Handling up to 4 or more tasks at once may be the easiest thing for a woman.

 7. Women Have More Hygienic Habits; Men Are Simply Slobs

 I don't want to tip you off men ( and sorry for that offensive last line, in reality not all men are slobs), but that's just to buttress the fact that women are better at hygiene jobs than men. A study confirms it so, conducted  at San Diego State University of offices nationwide, states that men's desk contain far more germs than women's desks do.

 6. Women Outclass Men As Far The Memory Is Concerned 

Scientific studies have given out that women's memory outperform that of men. A study conducted at Aston University in England, says that women are better than men at remembering things two minutes, 15 minutes, and 24 hours, after learning them. Another study follows up with a confirmation, a Mayo Clinic study, adding that not only is that fact true but the gap widens with age.

5. No Man Can Handle Stress The Way A Woman Does

 A research at the University of Western Ontario, concludes that women are better at handling stress at job interviews than men. Women mat be thankful for this for the secretion of oxytocin—AKA the “cuddle hormone”, which infuses women with natural calm under such stressful conditions.

 4. Women Make Better Leaders 

A study published in the The International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics lends confirmation to this fact. The research result stared that female- led companies are more successful than the male led ones. It was taken further when a poll found out that women make more compassionate, fairer and trustworthy leaders than men do.

 3. Women Learn Better Than Men

Studies have shown that women are better than men at aacquiring ad retaining knowledge. Even the stats fromc the department of Education does not deny that fact as it shows that men are more likely to drop out of college then women.

 2. They Can Find Missing Things Easier

Psychology professor, Diane Halpern made this less doubtful a fact when she proved that women use landmarks to navigate any given area thereby giving them this wonderful ability.

 1. Women Are The Smarter Of The Two Genders

 Men used to occupy the forefront as far as the intellect was concerned, but that's changing now, according to intelligence experts, most notably James Flynn. Women now score higher on I.Q tests than men, that means their brains are adapting to the changing conditions of our world and that alarmingly fast.

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3 years ago
