Necessity is the father of innovation.

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People are inspired to create various things in pursuit of necessity.

At the root of every creation of world civilization is necessity. People are one thing at a time

Realizes the necessity. People have started inventing various things to meet their needs or to meet their needs. However

This invention of man is not dramatic. From the beginning of creation, people have been inventing various things for different purposes.

Primitive cavemen invented bows and arrows for hunting, and learned to light fires to burn raw meat.

In this way, man has entered the modern civilization beyond the continuous level of necessity and discovery. From the darkness

Realizing the need to go to Alai, people have invented electricity. Launches, steamers,

Built buses, trucks, trains, planes and roads. Realizing the necessity of education, school-college, medical

For hospitals, medicines and X-rays, ultrasonography etc. have been discovered for diagnosing various diseases. System of communication

Improved telephones, telegraphs, faxes, movies for entertainment, radio, television and agriculture.

Such modern agricultural implements have been invented. In a word, everything has been created out of necessity.

There is no end to the need. As soon as the need of one is met, the other becomes headstrong. So people are always new

Relentless efforts continue in the intoxication of innovation.


Wild people are beautiful children in the forest.

Beauty does not develop everywhere. In the natural law, wherever there is a place, its beauty is revealed.

He should be kept where he pleases. If not, it is caught as inappropriate. Aquatic fish.

Just as mangoes do not get sheva on land, mango trees do not get sheva. Surely no one wears winter clothes in summer

Someone wears a watch. The wristwatch fits in the hand. Because beauty has its own environment. Flowers on the tree.


There is an originality in, but the flowers in the vase do not have much beauty. The birds of the forest are as wonderful in the open environment of the forest

Looks beautiful, doesn't look so good in a closed cage. With all the people who are still living in the primitive forest society

There are many differences between civilized people. They are both human beings. Yet both the shape and nature of the original inhabitants of the past are civilized

Ugly in sight. Because, there is no similarity between their way of life in any aspect of civilized people. Despite the forest-

In the natural environment of the forest they are pretty heavy to look at. The real proposal is the introduction of the beauty of Batu in space-time-pottery

Is determined. Something seems beautiful or ugly depending on the environment. Holy to the child laughing in his mother's womb

Chandrima thinks so. But when you are displaced, it doesn't seem like heavenly bliss to see even the most beautiful child.

So it can be seen that every object has its own world. That is why wise people say, “Wherever in the natural law

Yes, she is beautiful there and in that environment her simple, beautiful and natural form is revealed. ”

Natural beauty develops in nature's own rules.

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