Eating extra rice causes various diseases in the body!

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Eating extra rice causes various diseases in the body!

There is no problem with eating rice but according to scientists, the supply of extra rice creates various problems in the body. If you don't know about it, you must know. Eating too much rice is very harmful for the body. Eating too much rice can lead to weight gain and other problems. Problems with blood flow in the arteries occur when the weight increases. Problems with digestion occur. Food is not digested properly so digestion is not normal. When the weight increases, the food does not go inside the body and break down properly, that is why there is a problem of digestion. Rice reduces the body's carbohydrate metabolism, leading to various problems.

If you want to survive from various diseases, then reduce the consumption of rice. In some cases, doctors have found that eating too much rice alone can lead to many diseases. And it is also scientifically proven.

Rice is the staple food in most parts of Asia. In 85% of the places, people enjoy rice as their main food. It is important to be aware of eating rice, which should be eaten in very small quantities. If you do not eat rice for a while, you will see digestive problems, weight gain will all be reduced. The body will stay fit. Excess rice hinders the growth of vitamins and iron in the body. If you have too much rice in your diet, your body will lose vitamin B. Zinc will continue to be removed from the body which is not good for the body. If you have a habit of eating too much rice, it is not possible to give it up. But it is possible to reduce the amount of rice eaten.

The main sources of energy in the human body are sugars, carbohydrates, sugar. But if these are in the body in high doses, problems are created in the body. When there are enough carbohydrates in the body, the body is damaged in many ways. Eating excess amount of rice increases sugar, sugar and carbohydrates in the body and as a result various diseases are spread in the body.

Eating too much rice causes gastric ulcers in 90% of people. Surveys have shown that the problem of gastric ulcer is more than eating rice. Rice contains excess sugar which causes gas problem. This gas has a 90% chance of acidity. Which causes problems like gastric ulcer in the bodyExcess sugar in the body increases the risk of diabetes. The beta cells in the body become unable to make enough insulin. The amount of sugar in the blood increases. With diabetes, the human body gradually begins to face various diseases.

Rice increases laziness in the body. As a result, the ability to work is reduced. Those who eat bread can work with more enthusiasm. But eating rice creates laziness in the body. The motivation to work decreases.

According to scientists, eating rice is not harmful for the body. But eating too much rice is not good for the body.

Why is it not good to eat rice in "Petpur"? Know 4 reasons

Almost all of us are familiar with words like "I ate rice in my stomach" or "I don't feel full if I don't eat rice". Eating rice in Petpur is deeply rooted in our Bengali culture. But is it really good to eat rice in Petpur? Yes, since there is no oil in rice, there is no doubt that it is a very healthy food. But eating rice in Petpur is actually such a deadly habit, which will drag you towards death! How? Let's not know!

1. You don't eat a lot of grilled food throughout the day, you don't eat any soft drink or sweet food, you only eat 3 meals a day. But still do not lose weight? This is because you are eating more rice than you need. Rice contains a lot of high carbohydrates compared to other foods, which add a lot of calories to your body unnecessarily. These extra calories are stored in the body as extra weight. One cup of rice in a cup of tea, two cups of rice is enough for those who work hard. Eat plenty of vegetables and protein. But do any of us eat so little rice? Don't eat. So it goes without saying that weight gain and weight loss do not happen at all.

2. Yes, rice is beneficial. But white rice does not have any nutritional value. Nowadays, no one has the habit of eating red rice, everyone is a fan of white rice. There are no nutrients, on the contrary, high carbohydrates in rice reduce your metabolism rate. In other words, the rate of digestion of food decreases. And there is no point in going to sleep after eating rice in Petpur at noon or at night! The body is defeated.

3. Eating extra rice makes your blood vessels constrict. The high carbohydrates in rice make a lot of fat in the body, which causes your blood vessels to constrict and at one point the arteries become blocked and the blood supply is cut off.

4. Rice is a chewier substance, a food that takes time to digest. Foods rich in high carbohydrates that take time to digest reduce the metabolism rate, which is one of the leading causes of various heart diseases. (These words apply not only to white rice, but also to any rice dish.)

What to do then: Not being able to eat rice in Petpur does not mean that rice is absolutely bad. Rice is good only when it is eaten in moderation and in a healthy way. For example, make it a habit to eat red rice, eat small amounts of rice, cook with rice starch, and do not go to sleep after eating rice, but walk. In this way you can stay healthy, beautiful and wholesome even after eating rice.

How much rice to eat at what age? Find out the nutritionist's account

No matter how much modern food is eaten, Bengalis cannot go without eating a little rice at the end of the day. I want to eat rice at least once a day. However, the problem is in the context of weight gain. Many people nowadays have stopped eating rice for fear of getting fat. Many people are eating more rice than they need for various reasons. There is a specific measure of rice for people of all ages. If eating rice every day is your habit, then you must know this calculation. If you play more than you need to, you will get fat, and if you play less, you will suffer from malnutrition. Remember, the nutritional value of rice varies from rice to rice. Half a cup of rice (not rice) contains 125 to 150 kcal. It contains 6 percent fat, 75 percent carbohydrates and 6 percent protein. Rice is high in sodium and low in potassium. However, rice is a cholesterol-free food. But a component of blood lipids contains triglycerides. Eating more rice increases it.

How much at any age: Under normal circumstances, every human being has several stages of life. Newborn, childhood, adolescence, youth, old age and old age. Nutrients vary from time to time based on the body's needs, maintenance and function. In general, the demand for sugary foods increases depending on the type of work. People who are more physically active need more carbohydrates. Those who work at the table will eat less rice. Eat whole wheat bread, oats, sugar-free cornflakes, pasta, spaghetti, macaroni, jabberine, etc.

Childhood: One to one and a half cup of rice is required at this time. Will gradually increase with age.

Childhood: 3 to 4 cups is enough for the whole day.

At the beginning of adolescence: 5 to 6 cups of rice is needed for the whole day.

Adolescents: Need 6 to 8 cups of rice for the whole day.

Adults: At this age, you need 8 to 12 cups of rice for one day.

Older: At this age six cups are required daily.

Note that: 1 cup means one cup of tea. Not a measuring cup. For those who eat a lot of sugary and starchy foods (such as biscuits, noodles, pasta and other foods) the amount should be further reduced.

10 reasons why you should eat yogurt rice every day!

It is appreciated in South India. But we Bangladeshis don't like this thing very much. But if you talk about the physical benefits, then yoghurt is not an alternative to rice. That is why the doctors are advising the Bengal food lovers to eat Daibhat regularly.

After reading so far, if you ask why there is so much support for curd rice? Then I will answer, friend, this food has a lot of vitamins and minerals stored inside. It also contains potassium, carbohydrates, some amount of protein and a number of beneficial bacteria, which play a special role in keeping the body healthy in many ways. For example

1. Eliminate Pro-Biotic and Antibiotic Deficiencies: Several studies have shown that regular consumption of yogurt increases the levels of pro-biotics and antibiotics in the body to such an extent that it does not take long for the body to recover from withinThe risk of catching colds, coughs and other infections is also reduced.2. Reduces the risk of bone disease: Yogurt contains a lot of calcium, which plays a special role in improving bone health. Needless to say, once the bones become strong, the fear of getting a disease like arthritis decreases! So friend, now you must understand why it is important to have yogurt rice in your daily diet!

3. Reduces stomach pain in a blink of an eye: If your stomach is rumbling due to eating or drinking a little too much, you have a stomach ache with a tail, then quickly eat a bowl of yogurt rice. You will see that the trouble will be reduced in an instant. In fact, the magnesium and potassium present in yogurt rice, after entering the body, shows that it does not take time to reduce stomach pain. At the same time, the risk of getting various stomach ailments also decreases.

4. Improves digestion as seen: Multiple studies have shown that after yogurt and rice are mixed, certain ingredients are born that, once they enter the body, begin to cure multiple stomach ailments. At the same time, if there is indigestion problem, it is also relieved. In fact, the level of beneficial bacteria present in yogurt enters the body, which gradually improves digestion. It also plays a special role in reducing the incidence of diseases like constipation and lower abdominal discomfort.

5. Improves immunity: As yogurt is rich in antioxidants, eating rice gradually improves the body's immunity. As a result, the risk of various infections naturally decreases. At the same time the energy deficit is also filled. So if you want, you can eat a bowl of yoghurt and rice before going to the office. You will see the benefits.

. Meet the need for vitamins: Yogurt takes care of the various vitamins present in the food so that it can be properly absorbed by the body. That's why experts recommend eating yoghurt rice or yoghurt every day. Doing so reduces the risk of developing vitamins and minerals in the body, so that naturally more than one disease is avoided.

. Reduces Stress Levels: The probiotics, antioxidants and beneficial fats present in yogurt alter some of the changes in the brain that bring stress under control in the blink of an eye. Needless to say, yogurt can become their best friend in today's world where young people are suffering from so many physical problems due to stress!

. Make up for the lack of nutrients in the body: Yogurt contains calcium and beneficial fats. Rice, on the other hand, contains carbohydrates. As a result, when yoghurt is eaten, so many nutrients enter the body at once. Incidentally, calcium strengthens bones. And carbohydrates fill the energy deficit.

9. Keeps the body cool: There is no substitute for yogurt rice to reduce the risk of sun stroke by keeping the body cool during hot weather. In fact, yogurt contains anti-heat ingredients, which instantly control the heat. That's why doctors recommend eating yogurt rice every day in summer.

10. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. As a result, the amount of food eaten naturally decreases. At the same time, the risk of excess fat accumulation in the body also decreases. As a result, the chances of gaining weight naturally are reduced. That's why those who are worried about being overweight, they can include yogurt rice in the diet from today, you will see the benefits.

We all need to continue to use it properly. Thank you all very much.

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