All the reasons that your Facebook ID may be blocked

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** All the reasons that your Facebook ID may be blocked ****


At present, the number of Facebook users is skyrocketing. Many people lose their IDs after a few days of trying to use Facebook without following the rules and regulations, which means that the Facebook authorities block the IDs.

Find out the reasons why Facebook ID may be blocked and be careful,

লিখ Do not write anything offensive in Facebook status or message that makes you feel like you are threatening someone. If that person reports to your account, you may be blocked. Indian Facebook is very serious about this allegationCo-judges.So refrain from threatening anyone from your Facebook account.

Those of us who have a new Facebook account send friend requests to more than one person in a day to increase the friend list on Facebook which is not right at all. Crossing the line in this way will not save your Facebook account from being blocked.

দিনে If you write the same message on a Facebook page or group on the same day and message more than once, your account may be blocked. In this case, when you do all those massages, make some changes and massage.If you post the same post more than once on your own Facebook wall, it may be considered as Facebook spam and may block your Facebook account, so try to refrain from it.

If you like more than one Facebook fan page every day, it will alert you first. If you continue to do the same, the account may be blocked.

✪ Pornography means posting or uploading pornographic photos or photos even if you love Facebook but don't like it at all so try to refrain from posting these pornographic photos and videos.

If you open your account with fake name without your name means some big celebrity and if there is a complaint in that account then your account may be blocked.

If you use your account to advertise your organization, then you are mistaken to run an account in this way, your account is bound to be blocked.

✪ There is also the possibility of blocking the account even if you tag a lot of annoying photos.

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