Advantages and disadvantages of liqueur tea

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Advantages and disadvantages of liqueur tea

Needless to say, tea and coffee are the best drinks in the world. Existent pair of tea or coffee from morning till night before going to bed. To chat, to get rid of fatigue, in the space of work, whatever else with them, 1-2 cups of tea or coffee is easily eaten. Nothing seems to freeze properly except these two drinks. Some prefer tea, some coffee. These two drinks are very common for us everyday.

However, both have some advantages and disadvantages. Let me know some information about that. Tea leaves are obtained from tea trees, and tea powder is made from these tea leaves. Which is known to us as tea leaves. Studies have shown that many of them are green tea or green tea. In addition to vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, green tea contains various minerals that every human body needs. Some of the benefits of liqueur tea, nutrition andThere are risks.We will find out about him.

Benefits of drinking liqueur tea:

A) Liquor tea increases the blood supply to the heart and keeps the heart healthy.

B) Helps in controlling high blood pressure and heart disease.

C) Plays an important role in improving the body's immunity.

D) The anti-oxidants present in tea increase the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, keeping the brain active.

E) Eliminates physical and mental fatigue. Blood circulation is good

F) Drinking tea every day protects skin cells from the harmful effects of UV radiation. This reduces the risk of skin cancer.

G) Licorice tea is beneficial for diabetics because it secretes about 15 times more insulin from the cells than normal and helps to control the amount of glucose in the blood.

H) Beneficial for kidney disease.

I) Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

Some nutritional benefits of liqueur tea:

According to the National Cancer Institute, tea contains caffeine, amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins, chlorophyll, fluoride, aluminum, minerals, etc.

Black tea or liqueur tea contains polyphenols, chemical compounds that protect plants from ultraviolet rays or harmful, pathogens. Flavonoids are a type of polyphenol. These polyphenols have anti-oxidant effects. Antioxidants can inhibit the activity of free radical cells. Free radicals can damage health and even kill body cells. Free radicals also contribute to the development of many diseases such as cancer.

Disadvantages of drinking liqueur tea:

Drinking too much tea can have the opposite effect. Physical side effects can occur if you do not drink tea at the right time or in the right way. Tea should not be drunk before or after meals. This can lead to various problems.

A) Tea prevents the absorption of vitamin B from the body which is one of the causes of beriberi.

B) Disrupts the digestive process, destroys the feeling of hunger.

C) Excessive tea drinking disturbs sleep

D) Drinking too much tea increases the risk of arthritis

E) Tea absorbs iron from food, which can cause anemia.

F) Excessive drinking of tea or coffee makes them addicted. As a result, one cannot stay without tea or coffee for a moment, headaches, fatigue are felt.

G) Excessive tea and coffee should not be drunk during pregnancy.

H) Drinking tea on an empty stomach can cause acidity.

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