The time of gather energy
One of the most important creation of the creator of the universe is the night. We do a many more work in the whole day, in the sunlight. After doing work, our body get tired, & have no energy to do any more work. Then the darkness comes. It takes almost 12 hour period of a day & night. The darkness comes as a blessing to us. Because, in that times we sleep and got a full rest, and gather energy for the next day's work. many a man of us working at the late night till. This is very harmful for our health. For the reason, someone says "Early to bed, & Early to rise,
makes you, healthy, wealthy & wise".
Hope you all are not doing anything till late night. Thanks for being with me.💚
Very nicely written, really the creator is very kind We should all get sleep early at night and get up early in the morning and enjoy the morning