Italian Inventor Creates Free Energy Motors With Crop Circles Desings

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2 years ago
  • The Italian Inventor Umberto Baudo claimed to have found some Crop Circles that would give him the key to free energy, that is to say "engine designs" to generate infinite energy.

  • Crop Circles are crop circles that have appeared in farm fields since the late 1970s. Many of them would have begun to appear in the fields of England.

Maybe you've ever heard about Crop Circles or crop circles, but what are they? From where they come? And most importantly, what is its meaning?

Crop Circles are a phenomenon that has spread to dozens of countries around the world. Although some have been elaborate hoaxes, others remain a mystery, tangible, real and unexplained.

It is noteworthy that the first simple crop circles began to become a common phenomenon when they appeared in the countryside of southern England in the summer of the 1970s. Since then they seem to have become increasingly elaborate.

In 1991, a work titled "Crop Circles: Harbingers of World Change" by Alick Bartholomew was published. This work explores the idea that some crop circles are messages sent by a superior (extraterrestrial) intelligence or even time travelers.

However, Baudo believes that the crop circles were sent to reveal secrets of a new technology that provides energy to humanity.

The opinion of the English historian, Isabelle Kingston, who is also a psychic, was also added. This said that the circles could reveal a molecular structure, or a pattern of a new energy that would be waiting to be deciphered by scientists.

If crop circles are an intended message, what are they?

In 2008, Umberto Baudo decided to use crop circles as inspiration, he created a blueprint for a mechanism that he believed could offer a free source of energy, similar to Nikola Tesla's ultimate goals.

Baudo's work, like that of Tesla's plans for free energy, has remained in a dark field. However, Baudo acknowledges that some crop circles are elaborate hoaxes, but from the hundreds of images found, he chose formations that he believes represent authentic power generation systems and demonstrates that those formations can be operational and functional with machine gears. current.

  • "Since 2008 I realized that it is absolutely possible to generate free energy for the entire planet, instead of having to pay large amounts of money to have a small amount of energy in return." Baudo assured.

In his first experiments, Baudo tried to create magnetic motors. The prototypes were circle sets based on crop circle formations. His work progressed from magnetic systems to systems using centrifugal force and was tested using computer simulations.

The simulations allowed him to find out what happens when the shapes are rotated at high speed, generating energy with and without the variants of gravity and counterbalancing mechanisms: magnets, springs and chains.

Baudo believes that the aliens chose to communicate through crop circles for a reason. "It is important to understand that Crop Circles are the maximum expression of a message because through an image you can communicate much more than with words without any doubt". he explained.

⟪Especially if the message is addressed to someone who doesn't speak our language⟫. he added.

The inventor discovered that rotating systems could rotate around an "Eccentric Core", shapes that he recognizes in many crop circle formations. Revolving around this core, the circular shapes generate momentum.

For his part, Baudo is convinced that crop circles are examples of the use of centrifugal force and that he has decoded their meaning.

With modifications, including the addition of a spring, he says he has created perfect models that continue to build momentum even after the engine is turned off. All thanks to centrifugal force.

"After some years of studying and researching always with these images in my mind, I finally think I have found the key to understand the main part of these crop circles. The main key to understand it is fundamentally: centrifugal force."

The circular gears rotate until the spring slowly reaches its full extension.

"The speed will increase, always steadily until the spring reaches its maximum. At that point it will stabilize." Explain.

Although many people remain skeptical, he believes that these systems may work against the first law of thermodynamics, which states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant. Instead, the engine it simulates continues to rev up, while the disk's "eccentric core" appears distorted into an oval shape.

Umberto Baudo has advanced beyond computer simulations to create the mechanics of centrifugal engines in three dimensions. We see his team working to test the metal cut pieces and he comments on his findings with the name that puts him in contact with experts in the United States. From there, we are left with the question: What happened next?

What happened to Umberto Baudo's designs? If it had been successful, surely we would know, wouldn't we? However, delivering a free source of energy to the world would likely meet with incredible resistance at a time when economies revolve around monetized methods of energy supply (You know: that's the way things work).

For delivering an unlimited free source of energy would change the global economy, freeing people from the need to work endlessly to pay their bills.

Could it be that these free energy sources are already underway, just like nuclear energy?

It is very likely that everything is underway but not for everyone's reach. Interesting, right? this is how "The Free Energy Engine" works.

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2 years ago
