Some of the Habits of Children Inherited from His Mother

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Children spend more time with their mothers from the womb to toddlers.

Newborn babies inherit the genes of both parents. Not only physical, but also the nature and habits. There are children who inherit more of the father's genes, but there are also children whose genes are dominated by the mother.

There are also other facts about the nature and habits of children who are "inherited" dominated by the mother. This is because children spend more time with their mothers from the womb to toddlers. What are the traits and habits of children that tend to be passed down to their children?

*Sleep Patterns

The first of the traits that are inherited from mother to baby is sleep patterns. It is said that genetics from the mother plays a bigger role in shaping the way the mother's child sleeps. Several things related to this, such as sleeping positions that often change and insomnia disorders that arise.

* Wake Up Hours

Babies usually wake up at the same time as the mother because they know that the mother is awake. If the mother usually wakes up early, the baby will also wake up early unless the baby is put back to sleep. The baby's sleeping hours are also brought from the womb, but can change with external factors.

* Neat Nature

Babies pay attention to the world around them. If the mother has a neat habit, then the baby will follow it. If the mother seems to enjoy tidying up scattered things, the baby will instinctively know that things must be organized and in the right place.

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*Communicating with People

Babies will follow the words that the mother uses to speak, so mothers must be careful with her words. In addition, children also learn how to answer messages/phone calls. Let the child get used to communicating with relatives and friends. Train them in good communication.

*Eating Manners

Babies pay attention to what mothers are doing at the dinner table when they start to eat on their own. How the mother eats is something the child will follow.


The values ​​adopted by the mother will be inherited by the child. The habit of praying before eating, before going to bed is a habit that is easily passed on to children without asking many questions. Therefore, getting used to values ​​and good treatment is a very important basis for shaping children's character.


Another trait that is inherited from the mother is the level of intelligence, which is related to DNA. If a mother is someone who is fairly intelligent, her children will generally be the same. However, DNA does influence the driving factors of intelligence, although only half, the rest is influenced by other external factors.

*Active Talk

It is also mentioned that one of the traits that is passed from mother to child is the habit of active speech due to the extrovert gene factor that is received. If the mother of the child has the habit of socializing, it is likely that her child will also have the same nature. Even so, this trait can still change depending on how close he is to his father.

*Musical Skills

Another trait that can be passed down from mother to child is musical ability. Even so, these talents can be honed or not depending on the child's interest to explore it. Even though you have talent, if you don't practice it often, you still won't master it.


It is also stated that a mother can pass on the power to remember to her children through existing DNA. Initially, this is considered impossible and is a factor of the environment in which the child grows up. However, in one study it was stated that severe trauma can be passed on to their children through the DNA.

These are some of the things that are inherited from mother to child. Even so, all these things still depend on environmental factors and their parents. Support for children related to their intelligence and interest in music can be increased through encouragement from parents and also the interests of their children. Hopefully useful and thanks for reading.

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