Bliss of silent love.

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3 years ago

Bliss of silent love

It would be a delight for me,

to die under her soft full kiss,

To be slayed by her sunny smile,

Filled by naughty giggly express,

With each blinks from her eyes,

my reticent love song progress,

With each breaths shared together,

We make our intimacy a success,

With my each keenly placed touch,

I turn’s her body into my ideal canvas,  

gently sketching my dreams & desires,

on her skin as my sincere confess,

from the surreal depths of her eyes,

my ambient throngs of words arises,    

slithering thru her each soft curves,

whirling my mind to be in souses, 

which excites her spirit to bloom,

engaging my soul to fully ingress,

her stimulus being in my volatile life,

inspires my every artistic madness,

as I submit my creative vivid lines,

to celebrate her events of happiness,

spending the my remaining memories,

under her svelte love filled vivid bliss.

$ 0.00


Wow great information.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its a magnificent article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very good article bro. Carry on to achieve your goal.

$ 0.00
3 years ago