The use of Lavender Flowers ..

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Salam to all..

There is Lavender Flowers. Nobody knows about it even included me. When I do reserach on it then I found it has a lot of benefits. Our herbs specialists knew it very well how it used. 

  1. They make oil from these flowers that is useful for us whatever you want use it. For instance , you have pain in your legs. And this pain has made you reckless. Then this is abest option to massage of this Lavender oil. 

  2. Herbalists knows how its petal dried and use it to make soap. 

  3. From this flowers , we can make lavender vinegar. Just need two things to make vinegar. One is these flowers and second is Vinegar. Its purposes to spray hair for shining, flea spray etc..

Might be I missed some advantages. But I tried my best. If you are interested in it then research on it.

Thanks to all...

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