We should keep moving

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Avatar for Alicia
Written by
4 years ago

Hey guys I am new to "Motivation community" and I will like you guys to read my writing.

Life has not been very easy, the journey seems to be very long, like it will never come to an end.

Weariness and tiredness are almost getting us hopeless. We should remember that those dogs that ate the fattest bone,were the patient dogs. So we should be patient and keep moving.

Our battery of endurance might be getting low, our prayers might seen not to be answered or even heard.

Hardship and shame might try to draw us back. But we should remember that those that their strength were renewed, were the ones who kept or waited upon the Lord. So we should keep moving.

Eyes are dropping rains of help everyday, Many questions seems to be causing our mind.

Shortcuts are now almost getting our attention, because we fear for the things unseen.

But we should remember that, in life, shortcuts are sometimes the longest cuts in life, so be patient, keep moving and you shall excel.

Thanks for reading guys, love you all.


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Avatar for Alicia
Written by
4 years ago


You were new here three weeks ago Alicia https://read.cash/@Alicia/introduction-43f7fe61

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ohh no, I meant new to the community not read.cash... I just joined the community today. I will edit that, so I don't confuse anyone, thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ahh, then I got it wrong. You didn't write that it was about community.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

My bad.. I'm so sorry

$ 0.00
4 years ago

No problem. You can write in your article "I'm new in the Motivation community", then others will not be confused.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We absolutely need to keep moving because if we stop moving it just means we're dead. Not saying we shouldn't rest but we shoudn't be having a fully sedentary life for sure!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Important article..specially in this era people are getting dimotivated easily ... you are right we all should keep going ..no matter what!

$ 0.00
4 years ago