Third Eye

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Avatar for Alicia
Written by
3 years ago

Hey guys it's quite a long time and I'd be writing a short poem, hope you all will love it.

Often our eyes fail to see

What lies beneath beyond degree

Easily held with outer reflections

Dying with our flinch of emotions

State of sub consciousness

Lest spaces of higher consciousness

Entangles with the outer surface

Often we mistake the true face

Black beneath white, reflects a grey

At times hunter becomes the prey

The strong falls weak apart

when the weak properly compact

Enraged feelings, hatred or jealousy

Look through the green eyed if envy

Colorless, coloured, hue or dye

None escaped the third eye.


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Avatar for Alicia
Written by
3 years ago


wowwwwwwww nice poem

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3 years ago

Wow its really an amazing poem. I love to read poems alot and i will love to read more from you. Keep writing poems dear. Hope to get alot from you

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3 years ago