How are wallets hacked? And how to avoid it?

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Avatar for Ali.shaaban
3 years ago

How are wallets hacked ?

In the truest sense, it's not a hack because it makes no sense for millions of people to put their money inside these wallets without it being fully secure .

So how is it?

People or hackers, if you will, take advantage of the ignorance of many new people in this field ( digital currencies) and lure them after them twisted ways to get to the private key of the victim's wallet as it is not possible to hack these wallets without this key.

One of these twisted ways that many people fall victim to is the messages sent to the e-mail asking you to private key your wallet under one pretext or another and unfortunately there are many who fall into the trap !

There are several twisted methods but this method is the most widespread.

So how do I make my wallet safe ?

The most important thing anyone new to the industry should understand is that the key to their private key wallet. It shouldn't reach anyone else, whatever the reason or excuse, because if you do that, I know you've lost all your coins in the wallet.


1-save your private key in a device that is best not connected to the internet and so be completely safe from anyone thinking of hacking your device and stealing your data.

2-wallets are also stolen by myetherscan fake and to avoid this advise everyone to download the Add-On of the site to avoid it.

3-distribute your coins in several wallets so that God forbid the wallet was hacked from the wallets the percentage of your loss is less and you have not lost all your money.

4-create an e-mail for airdrops and bounty campaigns and do not place the same e-mail used to register on trading platforms.

I am sure, God willing, that if everyone applies these notes, the hacker will not find any loophole or means to access or steal your wallet.

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Ali.shaaban
3 years ago
