Bad foundation

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1 year ago

Perhaps one of the greatest walls that still distract us from being developed as a nation is anticipation without foundation. It is a truism that any state that seeks to develop and add more value to the lives of its citizen must form an unshakable base for such an achievement. The sad reality is that Sierra Leone as a nation lacks a developmental foundation. This comes as a result of incivility among citizens. Our minds are still not formed.

Just recently, Umaru Fofana, The BBC freelance reporter in Sierra Leone shed light on one of the things most Sierra Leoneans are guilty of that is "appraisal of sacrifice". His comment shed light on another key issue that we struggle with as a nation hence the little foundation made by those who exhibited some amount of good citizenship is left in the mud and unrecognized. This poses a critical question to us as citizens. Do we truly go beyond the theoretical relevance of our national anthem to bring them to reality? Do we understand what it means to be a citizen? Do we truly love sacrifice? Do we recognize those who have sacrificed for us? These are a few of the many questions that we continue to battle with as a nation.

What shows the truth that anticipation without foundation is partly responsible for our underdevelopment is the unfulfiled governance tools of our political leaders. Since independence, Sierra Leone as a nation has enjoyed little or no good governance and good citizenship. This resulted in a sham economy, shattered social and political relations, power consolidation, and political victimization that made us a failed state. Such was the foundation that was laid after all the efforts to gain self-rule.

In the bid to reconstruct our foundation, political leaders brought up mental cleansing tools to put us back on track. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah said " Salone man, lef bad hat". Ernest Bai Koroma said "Attitudinal and behavioural change" and The current president, Julius Maada Bio said "New direction". These are all mind-shifting tools that should have put us on track. They were good enough to tell us what we inherited as a nation, to 'reinform' our thinking that we are citizens, and not only that but to make us do the right thing.

The true definition of us being citizens depends on the level of our sacrifice to our nation and the responsibility to take good care of ourselves. As citizens, we must yearn to build a strong foundation for all to draw strength from. Without this, we will always be anticipating in vain and policies will never find hole with us. With this, our health, agricultural, educational, and economic sectors will continue to be a death trap.

When we anticipate without foundation, we compromise our positions as citizens and thus, shift responsibilities. We also put at stake our dignity and sanctity as human beings.

Therefore, as citizens, we must make sure that we sacrifice enough to make our lives better to reflect our nation. Our leaders must also make sure that good policies are made for the recognition of those who have sacrificed for the nation, for the dignity of the living and for the betterment of those to be born.

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1 year ago
