Alfa Radun's BitKitchen

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3 years ago

Hello guys, this would be my first "serious" post on this platform. God's will, we will do it good and have prosperous, fulfilling and happy online experience.

After days of thinking what should I write about, which bitcoin story already told should I write, and unable even to go further, then just writing a header, I decided to share simply what I was doing in that particular moment - cooking a meal.

Let's go...

Before describing the recipe, I will share with you some of my thoughts.

I think that this is important task to do, that by connecting with people around the globe with the help of this mysterious internet platform we are doing good by the means of empowering a little man, citizen of the internet, freeing him from the chains of big, not necessarily evil corporations, who is exploited, who's online actions are recorded, who is being scanned, analyzed, profiled by the most advanced algorithms of machine learning, who's life is being made a product. Who's voice is being more and more silenced, who's very existence is being threatened by the today current political economic and financial system. Poor man is tirelessly posting, creating free content for big internet platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you name it, always analyzed by the Google, and all they are taking some extra-profits becoming more rich people of the earth while he who is creator of the content doesn't get payed at all!

Gentleman, I want my share of the cake

Big internet corporations have done very good job by connecting people all over the world, and we should thank them for that, but as every patent expires and knowledge passes into the public domain it would be case to thank you for your service, and proceed in the future that is bright for he who is not being made a slave. Big internet corporations don't want you to be independently thinking man. All they want is for you to be most time possible connected on the screen, endlessly scrolling infinite newsfeed, and they dont want even you to go to work, because that's governments job, to provide you with some food-stamps and stimulus check, because wherever you live, in the covid era, in the covid system, or covidism we can call it, where the mainstream media is bombarding you with some covidistic bullsh*t in the form of "stay home, save lives, die of hunger or some lockdown-induced anxiety", where you are constantly remembered of the number of people died, remembering you that you are mortal and playing with your primordial fear of death, like it's something to be denied and can be avoided, but it's natural part of life, whole states are willing to go so further as to sacrifice their young, children who are not going to school, who are isolated, suffering, lonely, to achieve what?

Enter Covidism

There are 2 main forces in the universe. First one is the force of life - Eros, force of sex, of love, creating force. Second one is Thanatos, force of death, of fear and destroying force. We must remember that Thanatos is the integral part of the universe and cannot be avoided, that in order to live you must accept death as it's natural part, the thing that the modern western society are desperately trying to negate, but we must not accept a death-driven universe. Isn't it somehow perverse coincidence that in the middle of 2020 first wave lockdown, in order for general lockdown after Chine to succeed (or to keep people busy), Pornhub, one of the biggest internet porn websites offered in Italy free premium accounts to general population? Sorry where is the equation here, I dont get it? Stay home and masturbate, why we take away your liberties, that was the message. Stay home while we install the new system, where you will be put on the same level of domestic cattle, forced a mask on you, forced a vaccine, unable to travel, unable to work if not primary sector, unable to express your right to peacefully assemble and protest because in covidocratic society every natural human activity is discouraged, and all that is encouraged is fear, masturbation, and dis-socializing from your fellow men.


Bitcoin cash economy for the free man

It is said that in order to function as money, the money itself must be backed by the economy. A very fortunate circumstance today is that in the age of incoming economic disaster caused by coronavirus imposed measures, not by the virus itself, in the age of decreased economic activity and increased unimaginable printing of tons of new money without anything to back it, a fortune is that we have bitcoin cash. A system that can function as global, cross-border, permission-less payment system. In a world where vehicle for economic transaction is not a us dollar, nor euro or any state issued currency, any government would be having a very difficult time suppressing some businesses from operating. We must also remember that he who controls your digital experience, if not controls your life then exercise a great ammount of power on you, shaping your attitude. We live in a world where even the ex american president Donald Trump was censored and banned from online platforms for his thoughts. No facebook, no twitter, no instagram. And this was democratically elected president, commander of the biggest military force on earth and they wanted to silence him. What are you as a regular citizen-slave expecting then? In the modern, hyper-connected world, a great deal of human experience is digital experience. Sorry but I dont want my experience to be artificially engineered, manipulated, while at the same time someone is getting paid for the content I produce.

Content producer's manifesto

That is where and enters the game. By enabling people to get directly paid for the content they create, they are transferring back the power that come from the people back to the people. Just imagine, a world where there is no Zuckerberg, there is no Jack (and I have nothing against these guys, they did a wonderful job, but now is time for pension), there's no twitter/facebook media machinery censoring, blocking, suspending, everyone free to write whatever you want, free to think whatever you want, everyone free to send money, everyone free to receive money. That world has already arrived.


173 years ago, an intelligent man called Karl Marx watched his fellow men suffer and famously said that, in order to survive the, working class must "seize the means of production". I, an supposedly anonymous internet account, today am saying, that in order to enhance our conditioning we must

seize the means of content production.

For he who controls the content creation and distribution, controls the reality. I'm not saying now let's burn all their servers, hell no. I am saying that we must abandon the old platforms, and migrate to the new platforms where we will be in charge, and you will see, in the couple of months, they will even start paying users money they deserve. Migrating to noise/read . cash is only the first step, final solution would be to have entirely blockchain social networks, and ultimately a blockchain-base democratic society. But the first step is of great importance to be made.


So, where is the lunch?

For those of you that have entered here thinking to get some delicious tonno e pomodoro pasta recipe (I was thinking too, sorry but no recipe today, it was my first article so I got a little bit off-topic), here's the picture of lunch:

Thanks for reading.

Stay safe


Stay safe, wear your mask, and respect civil authorities.



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Avatar for AlfaRadyn
3 years ago


Going through the blockchain rabbit hole this weekend. Great post compadre, same conclusion I've come to!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for your comment, it took me 3 hours to write it haha

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3 years ago


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3 years ago