Power of Thoughts

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2 years ago
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We frequently listen to words related to positive thinking and even when we find someone in trouble we say to him “Be positive”. But when we get surrounded by worries and tensions, we get into depression and fear. Even sometimes we blame others for those unfair happenings with us. Why does this all happen? To get it understood, first we need to understand what are positive and negative feelings.

Actually GOD has blessed us with a tremendous energy called thoughts. We might be shocked if we understand the power of one thought as one thought which is produced in one place of the world can make a tremendous change in the other part of the world. Humans have both kinds of emotions, I mean positive and negative. Now a question arises how we can differentiate what kind of feeling I have. The emotion or feeling that makes you uneasy or disturbed is a negative emotion because the purpose of this emotion is to disturb the feeling of any other person just to make him uneasy. However, you can analyze yourself easily and see what you are thinking about other people.

Now let us understand what is the source of this negative emotion? Let us first understand its raw material. For example, if you have some health issue and visit a doctor, the first question that doctor asks is your diet and he advises you to change your diet plan. Similarly, our mind has its own diet which are emotional thoughts. In simple words, we go through many emotional phases in our life and this emotional diet becomes our mind diet and programs our brain accordingly. The biggest source of this diet is information and we take this information by listening, reading and watching. If we analyze all the sources of information, we see that we get a lot of negative information from mobile phones, newspapers and social media. We start getting information by the time we get up. In other words, we start our day with that diet which will nourish us with negative energy. When we continue getting this negative information chain all the day and even for some specific time then our belief system starts accepting this. For instance, we watch TV series, movies, we read books and we listen to songs. We think that this is a source of time pass but we are wrong here. Our brain does not take it on a casual level, actually this input of information programs our subconscious mind.

You can minimize this negative source of information. Don’t take negative information from mobile or newspaper in the morning. You can read a wisdom book or you can revise some positive affirmations or you can meditate in the morning in order to summon positive energy in yourself. If you do these things for one month as a trail, believe me you will see a huge positive change in yourself. Your routines will be changed, your feelings towards others will be changed, and your relations with others will be changed. You will feel peace in relation with others. Your anxiety will vanish. Your introvert behavior will vanish and you will become an extrovert person and you will start to love to meet other people.

Nowadays scientists are saying that the effect of one thought is greater than the effect of a hundred mg dose on our body. A thought converts into feeling and feeling then converts into attitude and an attitude then converts into an action and this chain of actions is called habit and habits is your personality. The whole process starts from thoughts so take care of your thoughts.

In conclusion, assess your information as information is the root of your actions. Always think positive and try to spread positivity in the society.

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