Effect of Angry/ Stressed Parents on Child

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Avatar for Alexander_349
2 years ago

The thing that parents should try to improve is their emotionality. Emotionality means that when we are going through a tough time or when something happens not according to our wish, the way we react with others comes under emotionality. Children always notice one thing in their parents: how much they are emotionally sound.

In a charged environment, When something happens which is not good and against parents' wishes then how parents react to tackle the situation is the important thing and it impacts a lot on their children. If parents react in an angry mood and become furious or they beat physically to someone or show an outburst of an extreme degree in front of their children then kids take it normal and record the whole situation in the same pattern. Children start to do the same in their lives. More they are emotionally unstable, the more their relations get worse with others in their adult life. Those relations might be matrimonial relations, workplace relations and sibling’s relations. It becomes very hard for those emotionally unstable people to cope with others in society.

Try to analyze yourself and ask yourself some questions: are you shouting at others all the time in presence of your kids without any valid reason? Do you have enough endurance when something occurs against your wish? If you get negative answers to both aforementioned questions then you are responsible for the bad attitude of your children. You are contributing and teaching your kids very badly. Try to change your ways of communication with others so that your kids fetch polite attitudes from you.

There is a famous proverb: if there are stains on the sun, then light would also have stains. So as parents if we have stains of anger, weak temperament, misuse of power, taunts in communication or abusive language then these stains would be more prominent in our children. So in order to prevent your children from this kind of behavior, try to correct yourself. There would be some psychiatric problems as well. Try to get yourself checked by a psychiatrist if you get angry on tiny issues. But most of the time these are behavioral issues and we actually never pay attention towards this matter that how we treat others. For instance, you are teaching English to your kid very politely and meanwhile you are shouting at your servant then your kid will record that conflict in your behavior instead of putting attention towards learning English. They will live their lives on the basis of that faulty conflict pattern that you have unintentionally stored in his brain.

When we are under stress, five percent causes of that stress are because of outside incidents and ninety five percent causes are within us because we create a story in our brain and become a character of that story and start behaving in the same way. Those parents who are stress free or at least they are not representing a picture of a stressed person in front of their children, are best mentors for their kids. On the contrary, a kid who always notices his mother that she always has stress and gets angry on minor issues and loses all nerves immediately then what do you think that this kid will grow like a normal kid. No not all, he will inculcate the same things from parents and intensity of this asset would be high.

In conclusion, a kid never perceives happenings from parents as correct or wrong, he takes these things very normal and tries to adopt the same because he thinks that this is the normal way to communicate. For example, if parents always shout at others, then the kid will think that being furious and shouting at others is normal and he will do the same. More you express stress in the house, the worse your children will be in future. So, be happy.

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Avatar for Alexander_349
2 years ago


Truly children takes note of what their parent does most time and they also try to practice it. So parents should try to keep their emotions while their children bare there.

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