Peace reminder history..

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2 years ago

The famous photo of an unknown little girl holding her doll while sitting on the ruins of what was once her home in London, UK, during the Battle of Britain in WWII sometime in late 1940. The Nazi German Luftwaffe bombed the city daily and caused widespread devastation until their eventual and improbable defeat by the Royal Air Force. Children are often the first casualties of war, and the photo puts into perspective the adversity her generation had to endure compared to that of today in the western world. I say western world because in many other parts of the world children still witness war, death, disease and other terrible things. They should never have to experience such things, but unfortinately they do. We should all endeavor to make certain history does not continue to repeat itself and preserve the peace for our children and the children of future generations no matter what race, color, religion or nationality.

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