Social Media Dopamine!

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2 years ago

Have you ever wondered?

Why is it Mobile Phone the first thing we pick up while just getting out of the bed and another thing we do is just bump into Social Media like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube. We just start scrolling the feed laughing at the memes, viewing up the stories, and then we just keep feeding our brain the DOPAMINE. For those who don't know what dopamine is basically,

Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter. Your body makes it, and your nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells. That's why it's sometimes called a chemical messenger.

  Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure. It's a big part of our unique human ability to think and plan.

So, this is what a dopamine means think of it as a drug but it can be used on good things as well like exercise, yoga and etc. But on the other hand these Social Media apps don't let us leave their apps even for a single minute. They just wanna keep us in that loop. There is also a documentary about these so called Tech Giants named, “Social Dilemma” in that documentary there are former workers of these Giants explaining how they have designed these apps to keep us in their loop. There is also a saying that, If you are not paying for the product than you're the product yourself. This phrase define this whole scenario what I want you to know is that Social Media is not now about connecting with people now it seems to be disconnecting the people.

If I say that when you put your phone on the charge your mind only thinks of when the phone will be charged then again, I will bump into these apps and how will you surf these apps afterward. You only think of the dopamine you will get after your phone will be charged and those thoughts will disturb your whole activities you were doing in that free time it won't let you focus on the thing that is more prior to you but it will attract you to itself and you will complete that activity in half the time and that will also cause problems as well because we just can not save ourselves from these Giants. Who just wants to control our lives.

What I want to say that connect yourself with the nature rather than living in the fiction. There is also a book named “Eight Master lessons of Nature” that tells us how to connect with the nature and tells us the value of our lives, While we are stuck in this loop where we can't even control our own life it teaches us the way to live our lives to the fullest.

thank you



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2 years ago
