What is computer and how does it work.

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3 years ago

Charles Babbage is credited with the invention of computer. The first digital computer appeared in America in the 1940s. Since generations have worked to reduced the size and increase the speed of computer.Now it has proved to be the most wonderful invention of 20th century. Computer manages data with wonderful accuracy and speed.

A computer is a complicated machine, rather a collection of various machines. These machines are connected by a central control unit.These machines read information. They store it for late use.

A computer is consisted of Mother board, RAM, processor, monitor, mouse, key board, CD ROM and floppy derive.They are the main parts of a computer.

In this age, life has become speedy and mechanical.Every man wants to perform his work speedily and quickly. A computer can do a task quickly and safely than a man.Its importance has been increased these days.It is being used in every field of life. In industry, it can keep the record of output and cost.It can also keep the record of goods.It also helps in engineering and agricultural. We also use it for making maps and designs of buildings. It can also give information about the best building material. In medicine, we perform different task with the help of a computer. It is used to perform various tests.It also helps us in space, earth and sea explorations. It helps us in collecting information.

So as education field is concerned, it has played wonderful role. All the universities are linked through computer. The students can get easy access to libraries and various other reading materials of the far-off universities.A computer also helps scholars who want to make their name in research field.Through it the world has become a global village.

Street crime has been minimized through it. We feel more secure today as compare to past.

In short, it has played vital role in human life.

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3 years ago
