How to grow strawberries at home?

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3 years ago

Most of us find berry growing a favorite in our backyard. In addition to the fact that raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, currants and other types of berries can be grown in our yard, strawberry is on of the favorite types for growing, which is grown in both hobby and professional varieties.

Which of the different varieties of strawberries are grown on the terrace?

Strawberry primarly belongs to the species that can be grown outdoors in the garden, in beds, in different types of plantings on flower beds, in greenhouses, so they are very suitable for growing in any variant. Of course, it follows that strawberries can also be grown in pots, or in different containers. In recent times, by selection we have obtained varieties of permanent strawberries, so-called sleepwalkers, varieties that can be grown so thet we have some fruit all year round. We will talk about two basic types of strawberries. These are classic hybrid strawberries, permanent, wich are know for their extremely large leavesy quality flowers and fruits. These are strawberries that are most often referred to as market strawberris. new varieties of strawberries taht give higher yields and better quality fruits. There are also varieties of strawberries, these are standard domestic strawberries, which are homogeneous which during the year only once in the spring, in April and May, give an abundance of fruit. After that they release their shoots and there are no more fruits. In recent times, by selection we have obtained varieties of permanent strawberries, so - calls sleepwalkers varieties that can be grown so that we have some fruit all year round. And there are wild strawberries.

There are those real, wild, wild strawberries that are found our glades, in forests or parks and which are very high quality and very tasty, known for their aroma, but there are also varieties likecultivated wild strawberries so they can be grown ordinary varieties, It is this wild strawberry that can be verysuitable for a pot.

Is it necessary to leave space around the strawberry in orderto spread it further?

Unlike ordinary cultivated strawberries which are spread byreleasing stolons, ie shoots from the same plants and require much more space, wild strawberries grow in a single bokor, so it is necessary to leave enough space for one such plant. However, since it is a small plant, it can be 2 or 3 years old in one pot of cretain size. After that, when the plant visibly fills thepot, it can be produced in several parts and in that way we get new plants.

How often do strawberries need to be watered?

There is a differencebetween watering strawberries during the year when it is very warm and the period when it is not. During the months when the temperatures are high, over 40 degrees, even daily watering is not toomuch. Strawberries like to be sprayed with the classic plant watering ,and when watering, it is necessary to use nutrients to supplement the plants. Nutrients can be organic or in organic.

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3 years ago
