Working to Make a Difference

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3 years ago

Participating in group activities, voting, national service, and volunteering are all forms or examples of civic engagement. But before diving deeper on that, what is a civic engagement? Well, civic engagement means promoting the equality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes. It encompasses the process of local leaders and residents that are working together to improve a community and the lives of its members. It is also called as “civic participation” and it is any individual or group activity addressing issues of public concern. It involves working to make a difference in the civic life of one’s community and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that certain difference.

As an individual, I help in our community by simply participating actively in the outreach programs that we have in our school. In that outreach program of ours, I can be of help in the garden of our barangay by removing weeds, planting, watering the plants and etc., tutoring some kids and cleaning the surroundings at the same time. Also, through joining wake services, in so doing, I would be able to join in praying for the souls of those who have already passed away.

Even when I’m still not at the right age to vote during elections, in my own simple ways, like volunteering and joining in group activities, for example, I could participate or be engaged civically as a member of this community.

As I volunteer and join some group activities, I am able to share my time, talent and treasure at the same time. As I participate in activities like such, I’m making a difference no matter how small or simple it may seem. A small difference is still a difference and that is what civic engagement is all about after all, “working to make a difference.”

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