Being Happy Isn't Free!

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2 years ago

Happiness is free they say! But is it really free? To get anything in life we need to give before we can take. Nothing is free even in Freetown.

If you truly wants to be happy, you need to give happiness to people, by making them happy. Whatever energy you give, you would definitely get that energy in return. Nothing goes out freely, without coming back to us.

That's why we need to know what we are dishing out to people.

Do you think happy people are just happy naturally? No, I don't think so! I don't believe anyone is ever happy without contributing greatly to the development his/her immediate environment. Can you sow rice and reap beans? Can you sow banana and reap mango?

We need to check ourselves within and without and know exactly what we are doing to deserve happiness from anything.

Do good and be happy!

$ 0.16
$ 0.16 from @TheRandomRewarder


Happiness is must for us.Doesnt matter whether we are good or bad but we need to make ourselves happy cause if we are happy then everyone near us will automatically be happy.

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2 years ago