How to make Soya bean cake " Called Akara In Yoruba Language "

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3 years ago

How to make Soya bean cake " Called Akara In Yoruba Language "


In my previous article i discussed in details with different method on how to make Soya milks, also explained further on how to make Soya Bread, Biscuit and Pancake.


But this afternoon i am going to explain how you can prepare Soya bean Cake called Akara in Yoruba language.

In preparation for Soya Akara, you need all these recipe;


3 parts of wheat flour, or corn flour, or cassava flour or cowpea (ordinary beans) flour

1 part of Soya paste or Soya flour

Egg for binding if you like


Red pepper, onions and salt to taste

oil for frying


1. Beat the soya paste or flour mixed with water with a wooden spoon until very light

2.Add the flour small small

3. Beat the egg and add into the mixture

4. Add pepper, onion and salt

5. Deep fry in hot vegetable oil of your choice

6. Serve with agidi, pap or gari or as snack.

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to like, share and comment.

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3 years ago
