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3 years ago

Hi,Now i write a 🤖.' Tony is a robot.His actual designation on the company files is TN-3,but he will answer Tony.He is not a mechanical monster,nor simply a calculating machine of the type that were developed during world war||,fifty years ago.He has an artificial brain nearly as complicated as our own.It is an immense telephone switchboard on an atomic scale, so that billions of possible"telephone connection"can be compressed into an instrument that will fit inside a skull.

'such brains are manufactured for each model of robot specifically.Each contains a per-calculated set of connection so that each robot knows the English language to start with and enough of anything else that may be necessary to perform his job.

'Until now,US Robot has confined it's manufacturing activity to industrial models for use in places where human labour is impractical in deep mines ,for instance or in underwater work.But we want to invade the city and the home.To do so,we must get the ordinary man and woman to accept these robots without fear.You understand that there is nothing so fear'.

'He can't get angry with you, my dear.I told you that the switchboard connections of his brain were pre-determined.The most important connections of all is what we call"The First Law of Robotics"and it is merely this:"No robot can harm a human being,or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.All robots are built so.No robot can be forced in any way to do harm to any human.'

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3 years ago
