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1 year ago

Furoshiki (Furoshiki)- A sustainable method of wrapping gift

Furoshiki is the name of a Japanese gift wrapping method that uses square-sized pieces of cloth instead of wrapping paper. But not only gift wrapping, Japanese people also use the furoshiki method as a shopping bag.

You know what I found similar to this?

In the village, when the farmers work in the field all day, food is sent to them from home in the afternoon tied with a towel or some other cloth. After learning about furoshiki, that scene actually came to my eyes first.

Anyway, the point is -

Be it green, sustainable or eco-friendly, some of the words closely associated with these terms are - reduce, reuse and recycle. The Japanese 'Furoshiki' method of gift wrapping is a combination of these words.

Firstly, the use of plastic is reduced due to the use of cloth instead of plastic wrapping paper.

Secondly, the one who is gifted can reuse the piece of wrapping cloth. Because clothes do not get damaged easily. So it continues to be used even after changing hands again and again.

Thirdly, the fabrics used in the furoshiki, since the pieces are cloth. So it is also made from old clothes used by oneself.

For example, the traditional clothing of the Japanese - the kimono. They are quite colorful. So the Japanese make furoshki out of old kimonos, or used scarves or handkerchiefs.

The first day I came to know about furoshiki, I felt very interested. And from that day, various ideas started spinning in the head that how we can use it in our industry. Because to create a green industry, we must pay more attention to recycling.

The first day I came to know about furoshiki, I felt very interested. And from that day, various ideas started spinning in the head that how we can use it in our industry. Because to create a green industry, we must pay more attention to recycling.

For example: Furoshiki method we can easily follow in parcel packaging of our domestic products industry. Especially in the case of items such as dry food, pita, sweets, fragrant rice etc., if the packaging follows Furoshiki, it will be more attractive to the customers. Through this, a habit of recycling and reuse will be created among everyone.

I don't think we need to spend extra for this, rather we can use many colorful unused saree and dress fabric lying around in different corners of our house. And we Bengali's don't throw away things easily. So many unused things occupy the house space unnecessarily. Furoshiki can be a way to exploit them. And the more the use of plastic packaging can be reduced, the better for the environment.

Image from :freepik.com


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1 year ago
