Child labour

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2 years ago

The Introduction

Child in Pakistan and others countries .

Causes of making poor children work for money.

Ways of making poor children study and prepare for suitable professions.

Without active nations planning and international co-operation child labour in the developing countries can not be put an end to. Child labour at the cost of the child's future is now common in the developing and poor countries. The UNICEF (United Nations International Children Education Fund), in collaboration with governments, annually celebrates the Universal Children's Day in more than 180 countries.

On this day parents and societies are called upon to consider the needs of children and to improve their lot(condition and situation) through health care, education and new lawa. In most of the developing countries like Pakistan, India , Bangladesh, Burm, most of African countries, South American and East European and other developing countries 50 millions are engaged in manual work to earn for themselves and their families. And, children earn through sex , for the pleasure of rich adults.

Firstly, the children in the developing countries from poor families cannot study.

Their parents cannot afford their school and study expenditures. Secondly, the poor families are normally very large, and the bread earner is the male head who single-handedly cannot meet the needs for each member.

In order to add to the income of the family the children, of the eggs ranging from eight to fifteen, get employed in car workshops, filling stations, restaurants, bakeries, shops of different kinds, offices of firms and companies, student hotels, private homes, road sides eateries, brick kilns, (large ovens for preparing bricks)

manufacturing centers, factories,tanneries, roaming trucks, buses and railway trains and so on.

secondly most of the parents of these working child are illiterate and ignorant.

they think that school education, if at all some children can get it, would only be decorated and impertional. the children are either not to send school or taken out of it to be assigned to machines in workshops or foremen in factories to be trained for a practical future.

Factories labour

The International Organisation reported to UN that 3.3 million Pakistani children were employed in tough jobs including agriculture, carpets wearing, tanneries transport and domestic services.

Domestic services

Child labour can be brought to end when large scale social economics reforms take effect in the developing countries.

  • Firstly the education should be made common and literacy rate should be raised at all cost.

  • professional schools for workshops training, tractor and car repairing welding, computers, activities should be set up.

  • state funds, it what ever form they can made available here. should be provided to the poorest families.

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2 years ago
