As soon as the strings are cut the name and appearance of the breath is dust

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Avatar for Akramraza01
3 years ago

One day this short existence will happen🏃 Broken someone's heart that fell on the other side🏃 Tara rakht sujud khak lying in the balance🏃 He is embodying with perfect hand🏃 Firebrand atheist Muslim Hindu dust🏃 There is no spice in this game🏃 Don't be heartbroken if Bazm Sarood Khak🏃 The circle of four hundred rituals has begun to grow🏃 I stumble and fall to the ground🏃 This nation has followed the same path again🏃 One day the dust of Aad and Thamud fell on them🏃 There is a fire in the chest of Arshad🏃 Otherwise, this dust would rise from our eyes

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