Chemistry of Islam...

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Islam is not just a religion

It is a Muslim's whole life,

The elements combine directly ,

Spontaneously without inert ones,

Because Islam is just so reactive,

With Allah as our land,

The Qur'an as our manual,

Muhammad(s.a.w) as our teacher,

The Sunnah as our procedure,

Death as our endpoint,

Ressurection is our reversible reaction,

The judgement day breaks us down,

Into our constituent elements,

Just in two categories,

Hell or Hannah,just like acid and base,

Solah,Zakat,Hajj and Sawn

With Iman pushed forward first,

Are all fragrances

That beautify the path:Al-Islam.

When all these are followed,

That is the Direct Combination of Constituent Element of Islam.

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