The smallest computer in the world.

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The size of the computer that was once the size of the whole house, but the size of the computer is now small to the tip of the needle! Computers are now the equivalent of just one millimeter of a cube. News technology website Senate.

Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a self-contained computer called the Micro Total. The Michigan Department of Computer Science has been working on the computer for more than a decade. The Internet of Things (IoT) is now the largest of all products, and the team involved in computer manufacturing at the University of Michigan is working to make the computer smaller. The micro total computer can be used in a variety of medical work and industrial sectors.

Dag Spicer, senior curator at the Computer History Museum in California, said of the Internet of Things: Everything will one day have an integrated circuit so that things can communicate with each other in a network. '

What would happen if the micro total computer was small to look at it could take pictures, measure temperature and pressure. This tiny computer can be injected into the human body to perform an ECG or to measure blood pressure. In addition, micro total can be used in the oil industry. With the help of this computer, it will be possible to find new oil sources in the oil wells. In addition, things like keys, wallets that can not be found from time to time can be found if the micro total is added.

Researchers say they are working to make the Micro Motor more efficient by making its battery size smaller. This computer does not have a keyboard, mouse or display. The programming and charging methods of this computer depend on light. Data is transmitted to the computer using a high frequency flash. Micro processes all that information and sends it to the central computer via radio frequency.

Researchers are planning to make the size of the micro-mom smaller and bring it to market under the name Smart Dust.

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