Corona Virus

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Avatar for Akhi466
4 years ago

Corona virus is very dangerous in evry country.This virus have cathed one per in one time, he/she is dead confirm.If Allah is not help on him/ her.So it is a very dangerous virus. So we should folow many steps in live of corona virus.Some steps in live of corona virus in below.

Steps nomber

1.If we go outside, we must have take a mask in our mouth.This is a very important rules in live of corona virus.

2.Our hand will have washed after one our again and again.If you follow this rules your hand must be clean and clear in all time.

3.You don't friendship in any human.

If you follow this three syeps , you will live in corona virus is very simple as that.So i think we all follow in this tree steps or rulse.

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4 years ago