Many people know the common saying 'If you get angry, you will lose'. Even then we get angry at the emotion of the moment, the intensity of the feeling. Some people lose control of themselves easily. Accidents can happen as a result. They also regret the next time they say or do something out of anger. Uncontrolled anger can cause harm to the body. About the cause of the sentence thrown in a state of extreme anger can catch the crack. So it is important to control anger.
However, controlling anger does not mean that you have to control your anger. Being overwhelmed by emotions is detrimental to mental health. So you can simply talk about the person who is the cause of your anger. However, the right time for this discussion is when all the people involved are cold-headed.
So what to do in the hot moment of anger? The method of controlling emotions varies from person to person. However, you can try some things in your own case. The key is to avoid the issue of anger in the moment of anger.
Words are necta:
It's like a gunshot. Once you run out, there is no way back. So talk understandably. The words are sweet, the words are bitter. The same can be said in many ways. So do not rush to say something in an angry state. When there is a situation where you can't speak while maintaining politeness, it is better to remain silent. Never say things that you may later regret. So speak thoughtfully. Words that can harm one's social and family status can never be said.
You do not need to respond to the other side's contradictory words. No matter what anyone says about your family, education, or upbringing, you need to fix it right away. Again, it is not right for you to speak evil of him. Unexpected events can happen in the workplace, in the market, in public transport. In these cases, many people have hot heads under various types of pressure. So the less the answer, the better. Avoid getting angry at someone's work. And you can choose a later time to talk to the person with whom you are going back and forth even after the moment of anger.
Peace of breath, avoid unrest:
When angry, take a deep breath. As you breathe in, you can say to yourself slowly, ‘It doesn’t matter’, ‘Relax’ or something like that. Keep rehearsing it until you can say it with conviction and confidence. Speak to yourself well. Think of something better. Turn your mind to the other side before you lose the sense of good and evil. Turn on the audio clip of your choice. Or keep an eye on the pages of your favorite book (or digital screen). Concentrate on something like this. Avoid unwanted conversations. If you are standing, you can sit and read. You can also splash water on the face.
Laughter is medicine, love in thought:
Do not listen to others. Many in the neighborhood may say, ‘Hey brother! You said such a big thing, and you’re leaving him? If I were you, I would have forgotten his name today. ' After laughing, you can say softly, 'Stay, leave it out.'
If there is something ‘humorous’ in what is making your head hot, maybe you should laugh a little. Suppose there is an argument about wanting to sit by the bus window. Getting angry. Think this time, what a small thing you are warming your head! The subject is really 'ridiculous' to you. Most of the arguments are trivial, which we think are temporary. There is so much to do in this small life. Why lose intelligence to express anger? Don't take everything as a 'challenge'. Remember, there are many real ‘challenges’ to winning in life. Don't think about the unforeseen events that happen again and again. Forgiveness is a great quality. Forgive him from the heart even if he is in a bad mood because of others, you will find peace in the generosity of your own mind. Forget trivial incidents. However, in some cases, excessive anger can be due to mental problems, so if the anger is not under control in any way, consult a psychiatrist.