Starting About Me

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Avatar for AkashVoraTara
2 years ago

I am a student, but I have a lot of desire. I naturally love to travel. I like to campaign in different places. I capture anything I like on camera I like to take pictures like photographers . I like to take pictures like photographers. But I use my mobile phone to take pictures. Because I don't have a big camera.

Whatever it is, I try to take pictures with all my might. Whatever it is, I try to take pictures with all my might. I can't take too many pictures lately. Because I'm too busy to take college exams. The test was not good because the study was not done due to the epidemic virus for 2 long years. This epidemic was so big in size that it was really terrible. So I could not do the exam well because the study was not good. The result may not be very good . However, I wish heaven to those who have died in this virus.

The ones I like ...

I love planting. I have planted many trees in my house. In a few days my planted tree will flower and bear fruit . In my house there are vines, guavas, Lemon trees etc. My vine has borne fruit, but I want to share with you pictures of my uncle's vine . The picture is really much more captivating. I like it a lot.

I love reading history

Some of my scientists I like to read history even though I like some scientific subjects. Reading history gives you an idea of ​​everything. My college teacher helped me a lot in this regard. I would love to know about the ancient times, how they lived.

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$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
Avatar for AkashVoraTara
2 years ago


Welcome, I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your writings here. And if you like history, you;ll find relatively much to read here as well.

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2 years ago